After Battle Rituals 2

Nov 06, 2006 20:55

TITLE: After Battle Rituals
PART: 2/4
AUTHOR: ayumie
PAIRING: John/Bobby
SUMMARY: Porn! Bobby was looking nervous. He was biting his lip, eyes flickering wildly between Pyro and the door.
NOTES: Thanks to lea724 for being a wonderful beta-reader. For further explanations see After Battle Rituals 1. Comments are very welcome.

Bobby was looking nervous. He was biting his lip, eyes flickering wildly between Pyro and the door.

“I- look, I don’t think this is a good idea.”

Pyro grinned, knowing that he had won. Otherwise Bobby wouldn’t be standing there, clutching his uniform like some sort of security blanket.

“Think whatever you like. But you’ll still wear that uniform.”

“It just feels so … wrong.”

And if he thought that was the way to dissuade Pyro, the last few years hadn’t taught him anything. But fuck, how could anyone be so repressed?

“If it makes you feel better, you can change in the bathroom. I promise I won’t peek.”

And just like that, Bobby caved, hurriedly slamming the door shut behind him. Pussy. Pyro pulled off his shirt and ran his hand down his chest. It was exciting. He had been thinking about this for weeks, wondering what it’d be like, what Bobby would be like.
Leaning against the wall, he rested his hand against his crotch, slowly thrusting up against it. The uniform. It was like it had a life of its own, like it came with a built-in spine or something. And fuck if Bobby didn’t look hot in it.
The bathroom door opened and Pyro stilled. An X-man was standing in the room. This wasn’t the boy he had gone to school with. This was the man he regularly faced on the battlefield, the man who, as often as not, forced him to his knees. A small shiver ran down Pyro’s spine. His lighter was in the back pocket of his jeans - he’d never reach it in time. If it came to a fight, there was nothing he could do. He had never been harder.

Forcing his body to move, Pyro circled Bobby, taking in all the small changes.. He traced the X on the collar, ran his fingers over a leather-clad arm. It felt soft, well-worn, like the second skin it had probably become.

“Nice. Think you can fuck me without taking it off?”

One of the Iceman’s hands cupped his nape, thumb tracing the knobs of his spine.

“I can try.”

Pyro leaned forward and took a deep breath, smelling leather and mint. Bobby had recently brushed his teeth.

“Every time we fight - I jerk off afterwards. Even when I’m hurt. God, I need it so bad. Need you to touch me…”

Bobby made a small sound, swaying against him.

“Maybe you followed me. Think about it, Bobby-boy. Everything is still so fresh - the thrill, the violence. The fire. How is Rogue, by the way? She burned so pretty…”

Pyro’s breath hissed out of him as he was slammed into the wall. Leather was pressing against the bare skin of his chest, keeping him pinned. The only reason he wasn’t shamelessly rubbing himself against Iceman’s thigh was that there just wasn’t enough space to do so.

“Shut up.”

Apparently the time for whispered confessions was over, because sharp teeth were nipping at his lower lip and then Iceman’s tongue was in his mouth, doing lewd things designed to keep him from talking. Pyro moaned, fingers scrambling along slick leather, unable to find purchase. When Bobby stepped back, it took him a moment to realize that he was supposed to keep standing on his own. He was about to protest when he felt impatient hands jerk at his fly, and then his pants weren’t so tight any longer and more, like, hanging around his knees.

The moment he stepped out of his jeans, Bobby was back against him, only this time there wasn’t a wall behind them and Pyro ended up stumbling backwards. He hit the bed and went down hard. For a moment he couldn’t move, too stunned to react as Bobby grabbed his wrists and pinned them over his head.

“Don’t move.”

And Pyro didn’t. He watched as Bobby searched the room for lube and condoms, fists clenching and unclenching as he tried to remember why he shouldn’t be giving in like that. Then the Iceman was kneeling between his legs, uniform jacket gaping open and exposing a stripe of very nice chest with just a hint of nipple. Holy fucking shit, maybe the whole uniform thing wasn’t a good idea after all, because the next time they had to face off he’d be so seeing this and then where would he be?

Pyro groaned as cool fingers closed around his dick, pumping once, twice, before tracing the crease where thigh meets torso. Then he groaned again, because one of those clever, clever fingers was teasing his anus. It slid in easily, wetly, making Bobby hiss in surprise.

“Mnh, didn’t I tell you? I took care of that before you got here...”

Bobby was looking at him, Iceman face faltering at the thought of Johnny with his fingers up his own ass. Pyro grinned. So easy.

“Fuck me. Now.”

Bobby’s hands were shaking as he reached down to undo his pants. The tight leather didn’t give easily, but he finally managed to peel it down far enough to free his cock. Condom next and more lube and then, finally, Bobby was in position. Planting his feet against the mattress, John drove his hips up and, God, it was a tight fit - too little preparation too long ago - and Bobby was so fucking hard. And, oh, it was just the right kind of pain, sharp and bright and edged with the promise of pleasure. Bobby’s eyes were half-shut as he rocked forward, cock head against prostate, slow, shallow thrusts that only gradually grew harder.
Hands clenching into the sheets, Pyro gasped. His muscles were tensing and relaxing at random, vision shifting until everything he saw was reduced to heat and fuel. Everything but Bobby and God, yes, fuck, please, harder, faster, more!

“Anything you want.”

There was that special expression on Bobby’s face, a harsh, shuttered look he only got when he was trying to call up the last dregs of his strength or was entirely focused on pounding Johnny’s ass through the mattress. Shuddering helplessly, Pyro twisted his hips to meet the other boy’s thrusts. Fire was pooling in his stomach, rising and spreading until he thought it’d burst from his fingertips. It didn’t, of course. No catalyst, but fuck, one of these days...
Then a rough hand closed around his dick and even that thought was wiped out. Pyro came, swallowing a scream as invisible flames soared to the sky. Bobby didn’t let up, though, sending shock after shock through his worn-out body. Another thrust, even harder than those before and John looked up, needing to see. Bobby’s face was open now, wearing a blissed-out look that grew even more intense as he deliberately tensed around him.

“God, Johnny!”

Bobby froze. And came.

As soon as he was able to move, John went to retrieve his lighter. He was hurting, bruised and chafed where his skin had rubbed against the seams of the X-men leathers. Pyro hoped it would last.
Bobby was still on the bed, still breathing hard. After a moment’s hesitation John started to pull off the other boy’s clothes, surreptitiously rubbing some of his spunk into the smooth leather. When he was suddenly pulled down, he reminded himself that he was indulging Bobby. He didn’t like being cuddled.

rating: nc-17, author: ayumie, fiction: series, title: a

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