How to Spend Christmas at the Mansion without Going Insane Part 1

Jul 25, 2006 18:03

Title: How to Spend Christmas at the Mansion without Going Insane (Part 1/?: Boys, Interrupted)
Author: verbalthing
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Characters: Bobby/St. John
Word Count: 2002
Rating: NC-17-ish (there's some swearing and some sexxing, but none too graphic, I think. *shifty eyes*)
Summary: “I think I’ll survive, Bobby,” John snapped back and thought God, how the fuck am I going to survive?
A/N: My very first post here, eek. I wanted some harmless Bobby/St. John fluff. It's not beta'd and hopefully the grammar errors aren't too obvious.
Spoilers: None for X3, I think. This takes place in the fuuuuture! *spooky Star Trek sounds*

“MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY!” A flash of yellow ran past John and Bobby until Jubilee vanished around the corner. John flipped her off, which made Bobby snicker quietly.

“I hate this shit,” John commented and heard jingling in the background; Jubilee and Marie were starting to decorate the giant Christmas tree in the rec room, and no one could escape the awful sound of bells ringing and people singing carols.

“It’s just Christmas,” Bobby shrugged and they both started walking back to their room, shoulders nudging each other along the way, but John suppressed a smile at that.

He didn’t want to smile right now; he was actually pretty pissed off. Bobby glanced at him sideways and said, “I’ll be back in two weeks,” and John rolled his eyes.

“Whatever, man,” John brushed it off and secretly hated that Bobby was abandoning him at the mansion where Jubilee and Marie would spend the entire Christmas break. Even Kitty was going home, and she was one of the few people John could stand being around, except for Bobby. She was quiet, and you could hardly tell she was even there. Not like Jubilee, who kept sneaking around with freaking mistletoes wherever she went, and made all male mutants in the mansion run the other direction when they didn’t feel like making out with her.

“Maybe I can try getting back earlier,” Bobby added once they got to their room. Bobby immediately went to his half packed bag on his bed, and continued folding his clothes and packing them while John sat on his own bed, watching. “So you won’t feel completely stranded, I mean.”

“I think I’ll survive, Bobby,” John snapped back and thought God, how the fuck am I going to survive?

Bobby stopped packing and smiled at John beautifully; there was no way Bobby could ever let one of John’s lies slip past him. John should’ve known by now that they know each other so well that there’s no use for John to lie in the first place; Bobby will know when he’s telling the truth or not. It annoyed John more than it should have.

“Still sure you don’t want to come with me?” Bobby asked and John ignored what could have been a sexual innuendo, because he doubt even Bobby realized what he just could’ve offered.

“I burnt up their lawn,” John sighed and lied down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, “which puts me on the bottom of your parent’s Favorite Mutants list.”

“To be fair, that list isn’t very long,” Bobby replied and continued packing. “Besides, that was four years ago. If they can forgive me, then they can forgive you.”

John caught the comment and leaned up on his elbows, studying Bobby carefully. “Forgive you for what?” he asked, watching Bobby still at the question with his back turned to John. “Fucking me or bringing me to their house in the first place so I could burn up their lawn?”

Bobby froze for a second and turned around, the blush back on his face that always came up when John mentioned fucking, kissing, groping or doing anything else remotely dirty. John held back a grin at the sight; right now he really needed to hear what Bobby was going to say and couldn’t be distracted by his blushing.

“I -“ Bobby started and looked at him, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, “They - We - I mean…”

“Yes?” John dragged the word out and raised an eyebrow at him, watching Bobby’s shoulder drop as he sighed.

“We don’t talk about it that much, but since, you know-“ Bobby stopped again and sat down on his bed, facing John, and looked defeated. “We don’t talk about it. I think they’re okay with it. I mean, why else would they invite me for Christmas?”

John shrugged. “It’s what parents do. Maybe they feel obligated because you’re their son.” John got an idea and smirked. “Or maybe they plan on an intervention while you’re there!” John feigned excitement as he bounced up on the bed, “Picture it: your entire family, some of them you haven’t seen for ten years, telling you that ‘it’s okay to be a mutant and that everybody still loves you, but you gotta quit screwing your best friend because that’s not healthy’.”

Bobby finally cracked a smile on his worried face, and grabbed for the closest pillow to throw at John. John caught it with a sour look on his face, quickly throwing it back at Bobby as revenge. “Hey now, don’t hate the messenger,” John commented and watched as Bobby put the pillow away neatly, then slowly making his way across the room to John’s bed.

“You’re more like the instigator,” he chuckled as his knees bumped into John’s bed, watching John lean back on his elbows again, his legs subtly spreading. As if Bobby didn’t notice every movement that John ever made.

“Same thing,” John barely managed to say before Bobby roughly pulled John up by his collar, smashing their lips together in a kiss.

John responded quickly by sitting up, groping at Bobby’s waistline to pull him down onto the bed, and Bobby complied by putting his knees on either side of John’s thighs. John felt Bobby’s cool lips warm up as he opened his mouth, letting Bobby in and feeling the stroke of his tongue, the large hands roaming over the back of his neck, down his back.

Slowly - painfully slowly, John noted, which was unusual for Bobby - Bobby sat down on John’s lap, straddling him, making sure he could feel his erection and how much he wanted him. John tried to move his hips, trying to start some sort of friction between them, but Bobby’s weight was holding him down cruelly, while Bobby broke the kiss to trace John’s jaw line with his mouth instead.

John moaned, letting his hands travel down the broad back as he lied back down, feeling Bobby’s weight pinning him down to the bed. Bobby took the charge as he let his knees down under John’s thighs, spreading them apart as he rubbed his dick against John’s; only cloth and fabric in between them as they created friction. “Mmm,” John sounded a bit obnoxious because he knew it annoyed Bobby, as his hands groped Bobby’s ass, “goodbye fuck?”

Bobby stopped focusing on John’s beck as looked down at John, a small smirk playing in his lips. “No, I just want to shut you up,” he commented, and John briefly wondered where the hell Blushing Bobby went into hiding every time they fucked. Not that he minded Bobby taking the charge like this - it was nice, more than just nice - and John would never mention it to Bobby because then he’d probably scare Blushing Bobby back out again, and he wouldn’t be apart of wonderful things like Bobby straddling him.

“Fuck, Bobby,” John breathed as Bobby aligned himself perfectly with John’s body, rubbing just at the right spot -


Bobby froze at the spot and John whipped his head towards their opened door where Jubilee was standing, mistletoe in the other hand and some gift wrapping paper in the other. She looked like a kid at Christmas Eve, and John had a feeling it was because of the boy-on-boy action that she was watching and not because it was actually Christmas.

“Get. The fuck. Out,” John growled, but it was too late because Bobby was sliding off the bed awkwardly. John checked and yup - Bobby was blushing. Fuck.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to -“ Jubilee pointed at the door, “the door was open, you guys. If you want to fuck in a place like the mansion, you have to lock it.”

“Thank you for the tip,” John nearly yelled as Bobby went back to packing his bag quietly, his back turned to both of them. John nudged his cheated hard-on through the jeans, and it was damn uncomfortable, and on top of it all he noticed Jubilee staring right at his crotch just then. “Get the fuck out!”

Jubilee looked put out for a second before turning her posture towards Bobby’s side of the room, to show John that she didn’t like about him at all at the moment, and he could go to a corner and die for all she cared. “Hey, Iceman,” she said and Bobby looked at her, still cleverly hiding his midsection against his bag on the bed, and the blush still present on his face. “Ms. Monroe said your parents called. They’ll be here to pick you up in fifteen minutes.”

She turned back to John and had a devious look on her face as she held up the mistletoe, “Watch out, Johnny boy,” was all she said - while leering, which scared John- and then disappeared and thankfully closing the door shut behind her.

“God, I hate Christmas,” John muttered and stared at the closed door for a few seconds, pretty sure that Jubilee was still out there eavesdropping. Bobby, however, had slowly turned around and looked like he was in shock as he stared out of the window. “You okay?” John asked when he took his eyes off the door.

“My parents are picking me up, John,” Bobby sounded a bit irritated at that, but mostly worried, and he walked up to the window and stared at the driveway where a couple of cars were already parked; it was other student’s parents coming to pick up their daughters and sons for over the holiday.

“You didn’t know?”

“No. I always take the bus,” Bobby said idly as he watched a few cars drive away, “they’ve never been here.”

John wanted to lighten the mood, but had no idea how to do it so he did the only thing he knew; walked up to Bobby, playfully smacked him on his ass and said, “I finally get to meet the parents, huh? We’ll pick out the perfect wedding invitations, don’t worry!”

“This isn’t funny!” Bobby nearly shrieked and surprised John at the sudden outburst. Bobby looked apologetic as he rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, “Sorry, I didn’t mean…It’s just, they don’t like this place. They’re barely starting to accept me, and now they’re planning on visiting?”

“Look at it on the bright side; maybe they don’t want to come in. Maybe they’ll just sit in the car until you come out and you’ll fight in the car all the way to Boston.”

“That’s not a really bright side, John,” Bobby muttered.

John shrugged. “Well, I tried. There’s just no cheering you up, Iceman,” he said and leaned in closer, pressing up against Bobby’s back so Bobby could feel the hard-on pressing into his ass. John’s hand slid around Bobby’s waist, quickly making its way to Bobby’s own half-hard dick, starting to stroke it roughly.

“Oh God, not now,” Bobby whined and leaned back so his head lay back on John’s shoulder, but he made no movement to stop John what he was doing.

“I’ll be done in less than fifteen minutes,” John said, kissing Bobby on his clothed shoulder briefly.

“How romantic - fuck!” Bobby yelled as John squeezed him harder for the comment, and Bobby reached out a hand to grab the back of John’s neck, needing to hold John and feel something under his hands.

“No time for romance, buddy,” John smirked as he watched Bobby’s mouth shape into a delicious ‘O’, “just a quick fuck and then it’s meeting the parents.”

Bobby groaned, but John didn’t know it if was because of his hand on Bobby’s dick, or what he had said. It didn’t matter anyway, because a few seconds later Bobby had had enough and turned around, grabbed John by the shoulders, and pushed him down onto his bed. He whispered, “You’re gonna help me pack later, buddy,” before leaning down to kiss John roughly, getting only a content moan in reply.


author: verbalthing, title: h, rating: nc-17, fiction: series

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