Oh Brokeback

Aug 09, 2008 18:30

Finally got the final DVDs from my binge in the mail. Got 10 things I hate about you and Brokeback Mountain. I recommend the special edition of BBM for those who don't have it. The set comes with postcards, awww!

Meanwhile, I wrote part 2 of masquerade.

And here's something pretty to look at...

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drwhorose August 10 2008, 01:40:26 UTC
Thanks, will do! I watched BBM a week after he died (I saw it the first time in theatres) and cried both times, of course. I watched it as a memorial, because in my opinion, it was his finest performance.

That picture makes me sooooooooo happy.

Love, Jen


nicelyobsessed August 13 2008, 19:10:39 UTC
Thanks for sharing some wonderful Batman/JOker pics, I have pimped some on my lj with credit.

I'm gonna read your fic btw.


drwhorose August 13 2008, 22:56:39 UTC
You're welcome! I love sharing the goods.

Oh and thanks for reading my fic.


spygirl690 August 18 2008, 21:52:28 UTC


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