Prelude Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Unfinished Symphony Episode Five
I Don't Like Mondays-Epilogue
Jack felt his hand touch his pistol's handle when he heard the noise.
Everyone did, the familiar sound of the TARDIS returning broke the standoff immediately. It began to haze into existence in front of them and within seconds fully materialized. They stood in silence as the door opened and the Doctor stood in the doorway, a ghost image of Luke beside him. The Doctor pointed to Luke's inert form and said, “Just feel yourself being pulled towards it and you should...”
And Luke simply vanished.
Like a television image being turned off the intangible form simply blinked out and the boy began to moan as if being awoken. The Doctor walked out, the tension in the air was as thick as butter. He walked into the middle of them, hands in his coat pocket.
“So what did I miss?”, he said chipperly.
“He wants to take Luke!”, Sarah said helping Luke sit up slowly. He seemed to be almost hung over, holding his head with his eyes barely open.
“I simply said the boy is a liability. You can't deny Doctor with that kind of power he can't be allowed to simply walk around!”, Jack shot back. The Doctor looked to Sarah and then back to Jack.
In a very curt tone he said, “You're right.”
Sarah Jane called out in denial but the Doctor held a hand up to calm her, “He's right Sarah, his powers...they are far too much for him.”, he knelt down with her, “He is only a year old, that's too much for anyone.”, he placed a hand on hers, “You have to see that.”
“You can't let him take Luke from me.”, she said fighting back tears.
He smiled, “I know.” And he put his hands on either side of Luke's face. Sarah tired to protest but he firmly took the boy's head in his hands. He looked into Luke's eyes. He smiled and Luke smiled back. They stared like that for several seconds and then finally Luke nodded slightly.
The Doctor's face lost its smile and said in a proud tone, “Good boy.” He closed his eyes and Luke's closed with him. They both stood there and they could all feel the psionic power flow between them. It was like hearing a conversation or a song just out of hearing range. You can just make it out, but the details were lost. Luke's eyes opened and his eyes were glowing, the Doctor's opened and they glowed a similar hue.
And then Luke collapsed into the Doctor's arms as if asleep. Sarah grabbed her son's unconscious form and looked at him with accusing eyes, “What did you do to him?”
The Doctor stood, “I placed a series of physic circuit breakers in his mind.”, he brushed off his coat, “If he or anyone else tries to access his telepathic or telekinetic abilities, his mind will simply shut itself off and he'll fall asleep.”, he gestured to Luke's slumbering form, “Like so. He's still brilliant and still Luke, just not Dark Phoenix Luke.” He walked over to Jack
“Thank you Doctor, I knew you would see things logical...”, Jack started but the Doctor interrupted him.
“As of right now Jack, that boy is officially part of my family. I have asked and he has accepted a place in my family's house. That means for all intensive purposes, he is to be considered my son.”, he turned to Sarah, “God son more like it, its easier to explain in Gallifreyian.”, and back to Jack, “If you so much as look at this boy Jack, I swear to you on all I hold dear, we will have words and they will be the last words we ever speak to each other.” Jack stood there with his mouth opened, “I'm sorry but I cannot continue to stand by and let you do things like this Jack. Hidden weapon caches, threating innocent children. If this is the way you have to defend the Earth Jack, ask yourself if you are any better than the beings attacking it.” He looked over to Donna, “Did you find it?”
Donna was standing next to one of the cement embankments, she nodded and gestured towards the panel set into the wall. The Doctor walked over to it with Jack behind him, “What are you doing Doctor?”, he asked sounding more shocked than angry.
The Doctor pulled out his screwdriver and opened the panel to reveal a digital display, “Putting an end to this particular nightmare.” He waved the screwdriver and the panel lit up, a clock appeared in the darkness, it started at 5:00 and began to count backwards.
“Alright everyone, into the TARDIS, in five minutes this entire complex will be hundreds of feet below us and most likely in several million pieces.”, he walked over and opened the TARDIS door, “Last stop, let's go.”
“You don't know what's down here Doctor!”, Jack said gripping his coat.
“And neither do you Jack. Its done, catch a ride or make it back to the surface in time. Your choice.” He walked in and helped Sarah Jane comfortable as they piled in.
Gwen came up behind Jack, “Come on Jack, let's go.” She led him inside as he watched the complex count itself down to destruction.
“What did you decide with the aliens behind this?”, Donna asked as he adjusted the controls.
“Oh I left to them their own devices”, and he looked up with dark eyes, “Literally.”
“Does any of that work?”, the Manager asked.
The crew had tried to activate the various controls for the ship with no luck so far. As they continued to look a light appeared on one console, “Sir look!”
The Manager walked over to the light and looked at it, “What does it do?”, he asked the tech support.
“No idea sir, this is all cross wired. It could do nothing.”, he explained.
“Well sitting here doing nothing never made anyone rich,”, and he pushed the button. There was a hum and the bridge began to glow blue.
“What was that?”, he asked. The tech support looked at his panel, the shields just came up”, he said examining, “I have never seen this configuration. It's as if they were almost...dimensional?”, he said looking up. “they seem to be the same attunement as the holding cells.
“Well do we have control or what?”, he demanded.
All the screens on the bridge began to flicker into life. They began to glow white and then five Gallifreyian symbols began to appear.
“Is that the Gatekeeper? Why is it active?”, the Manager asked, but he could see by the stunned look on the Tech man's face he was in panic. “Answer me!”, he screamed.
“You”, the Tech Support man said looking up at the Manager, “You did this to us!”
The Manager looked at the crazed look in the man's eyes and knew what had happened. His chest tightened in fear as he realized portals were opening all over the ship. And then he realized his mistake.
They ate fear.
The possessed man looked at him and smiled, “You smell....tasty.”
The Manger screamed as the man jumped at him.
Next time in Doctor Who: I Do-Martha walks down the isle...but before she does, she has a lot of decisions to make. The Doctor being one of them.