2 logan stories and picture.

Dec 04, 2002 13:50

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Comments 8

deevah December 4 2002, 10:49:40 UTC
maybe he can open the baby food jars for you :o)


paigelynn December 4 2002, 10:51:42 UTC
baby food jars, bleh ;) For some reason, during the entire time Carrie was eating baby-food, I could open vegetables and everything just fine, except fruit. The fruit jars were almost always super hard to open.



toxicpixies December 4 2002, 18:36:35 UTC
the reason the fruit was so hard to open was cuz there was sugar in the fruit as not in the veggies and the sugar stick to the lid.


nah... fweekers72 December 4 2002, 10:50:23 UTC
he's cute and amusing to non-logan-parents too :o)


queenveets December 4 2002, 11:01:23 UTC
dammit! i want one! ;)


Re: drsuessrox December 4 2002, 11:02:09 UTC
they are great.


chyna_mn December 4 2002, 11:13:15 UTC
=) cute

i must agree with fweekers72 he's cute and amusing to non-logan-parents too

i find great joy in logan stories =)


Aww... lilybleu December 4 2002, 12:09:11 UTC
Those stories are definitely cute for the rest of us too. SO cute! He's an absolute doll... :)


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