Reckless 1/3 (Foursome)

Jun 02, 2008 12:45

Reckless 1/3: Willow
by Dr Squidlove
drsquidlove at

Did somebody call for gratuitous porn on a flimsy premise? Hm, maybe it was me.

The outcome of the essence-mixing spell to defeat Adam is sheer, unmitigated, foursome orgy porn. Utter porn. Shamless piles of unpadded porn. There's no nutritional value whatsoever. Seriously, I don't think there's one entire paragraph of PG-13 to be found in here.


Part One: Willow.
Parts Two and Three will be posted Friday and Tuesday.

Rated NC-17
These are the things I warn for:
Sex: Nothing but sex. A graphic, dirty orgy of sex.
Violence: None.
Sexual violence: No, *but*. They're sky-high on magic and that skates issues of consent and jumps all over dubious decision-making.
Everyone is 18+.

Wordcount: 5750 this part, 11 000-ish total.

All the scoobies are the property of Joss and Mutant Enemy. They have not been used according to the instructions on the box.

Enormous thank you to gloriana for doing the beta, and even all the spellchecking for me, even though this is a textbook case of everything that drives her crazy.

I'm sure I'm not the first to think hot porn is a reasonable alternative to the shared dreams of Restless. In fact, I know I'm not, because antennapedia wrote the way hot Four nights and a revelation, which is a little different to this, in that it, um, goes somewhere. It has emotional development, and stuff. You should read it. There must be others. If you know of any, please, please point me.

Archive at No One Knows, please Sofy. In fact, I'm happy for this to be archived anywhere as long as the header, most particularly my e-mail address & website, are kept intact *on* the story. (Intact, please, not as a weird-arse link that will disappear with c+p.)

Reckless 1/3

Joyce should have stayed. He'd talked them out of doing this at his flat because Joyce would be here. She wasn't here. She was upstairs. Which left the four of them.

The air burned between them, live electricity in their skin. Giles had known this would happen, an unfortunate and inevitable side effect of a spell like that, but he hadn't counted on the intensity.

Buffy and Xander were fidgeting as they tried to watch Captain Kilgore roaming the battlefield, neither of them looking at anyone else. Buffy's colour was high, lips and cheeks crimson, curly hair falling loose from her ponytail and over her eyes as she shifted back and forth, burrowing into the corner of the couch. Xander was doing what could reasonably be called writhing about on the floor, in his far-too-loose jeans, trying to get comfortable without turning his hips toward them for a second. They both knew something was in the air, but likely chalked it up to the high of victory over Adam, the buzz of near-exhaustion. Giles imagined they were trying very hard to think about Riley and Anya.

Willow, though. Willow knew what it was, and she didn't move at all. She kept stealing glances at all of them, through sharp eyes. When her eyes fell on him, he tried to glare a warning, but that only made her gaze darken. He should have been concerned about what that meant - what she and Tara were getting up to, if Willow was seeking the high - but mostly he was terrified that she would set something in motion that he was helpless to stop.

Willow and Tara. He couldn't believe he didn't see that earlier. Now of course, he was seeing it in glorious detail, and then it was Willow and Buffy in his mind, interchanged with Willow and Xander. And himself.

He was so hard it hurt, cock twisted uncomfortably in his corduroys. He would have given anything for them to look the other way while he adjusted himself. Or better yet, to be able to sneak up to the bathroom to take the edge off.

Unfortunately, there was no way he could stand right now, and besides, he knew from old experience that a lone wank would do little to dispel a charge this strong from a spell that bound them on a spiritual level. The best he could hope for, the only hope, was to wait it out. That would have been easier, if Joyce had stayed.

Giles tried to watch the soldiers onscreen, but saw Xander's tongue flick out to wet his lips, and his breath grew shorter. What a disaster it would be, to upset that precarious balance. Giles had been stomping out thoughts in that direction all year, ever since Xander rolled back from Oxnard looking older and better, suddenly determined that he and Giles would be friends, in the girls' absence.

His desire might have been forgivable, even acceptable, if Giles had developed real feelings for the young man. But he hadn't. He didn't want to make conversation about pop culture or endure the teasing or take long walks on the beach. Xander was - certainly a good person but - utterly alien to him. What Giles felt was lust. Cheap, base lust. Pictures of Xander's cheek pressed against the shower tiles; his jeans around his ankles as he was bent over the desk; his mouth open and silent as he rode Giles in bed. Spread on the floor right here in front of Apocalypse Now. Giles' mouth was dry.

Anya's increasing monopoly had helped, along with the growing estrangement between all of them, but it hadn't quite crushed Giles' changed awareness. If Giles touched him tonight, if this got loose, there'd be no hiding it.

And still, Xander would not be so dangerous as Buffy. That relationship had never been complicated. He loved her, protected her, shrank from knowing the details of her sex life, and never, never considered her an object of desire. He loved her like a daughter, had the Council's termination papers to prove it, but now he kept coming back to the soft, near-translucent skin at the back of her neck, the way it curved out to meet her shoulders, before dipping under her hooded sweatshirt. As Giles watched, she pulled the tie from her ponytail, shaking her hair out around her face, never tearing her attention from the television screen because she didn't know why she was feeling so aroused, why her underwear was already damp. He could almost have sworn he could smell her.

Willow was the only one of the three with whom it might not be an utter disaster. Willow, with just the last threads of her high school crush, Willow who knew it was all magic, simply a high amplified by the nature of the spell. With a partner who might understand. She was the only one who might still talk to him ever again.

He slammed his mind shut on the possibility of drawing her upstairs alone, to work it off together. Or an offer of fresh popcorn, time enough to feel her in the kitchen, taste her mouth and lift her onto the counter, press his hand between her legs...

Buffy heaved a sudden hard sigh. "I am never gonna sleep."

"Yeah," added Xander, sounding unnaturally enthusiastic. "Man, I am wired."

Willow looked at all of them - not directly at Giles - expression turning wicked. "Can I show you something?"

"Willow." The other two looked over in surprise at his sharp warning, but Willow shrugged it off.

"C'mon, Giles. You know what this is."

"It's a bad idea."

"What's a bad idea?" Buffy asked.

Willow shot a triumphant look at Giles and shuffled along the couch to Buffy.

"Willow," he barked, but he didn't move, and he knew she wouldn't pay any heed at all. She knew he was panting for it, that despite the stern tone he was leaning forward because he didn't want to miss a second of it.

She slid a hand along Buffy's cheek, on the side away from them so as not to block the show, and Giles heard Buffy's indrawn breath from his own chair. Willow leaned in to press her lips to Buffy's. Time hung, for a moment, and Giles could feel all the doors of escape slamming shut on them, as Buffy allowed it.

Xander gasped, and Giles spared enough attention to realise Xander had pressed his hand over his erection, as though to keep it down. Giles' fingers sank into the armrests.

Willow kissed her way along Buffy's cheek, eyes darting over to make sure Xander was appreciating the show, and Buffy caught her, drawing her back to her mouth. Willow's lips would feel so much softer than Angel's or Riley's. The pair of them were beautiful, red and gold, soft together. Giles was shaking; he couldn't imagine what state poor Xander was in, and he certainly wasn't going to look to find out.

It never went deeper than dragging lips, but when Willow finally pulled back they were both panting, and flushed with arousal, and Giles had to dig his nails into the couch to keep his place. For what it was worth, because what they were hurtling towards was inevitable. God. He wanted to fuck the pair of them.

His eyes were open but images flashed past: Willow spread for him; pushing inside Buffy; slim arms wound around his neck and girlish moans in his ear.

Buffy was staring at Willow, hardly believing what they'd done, and clearly wanting to do it again. Willow looked back over her shoulder at Giles, sultry gaze turning defiant. She saw straight through him, but she wasn't going to call him on it. Not yet.

She had Xander in her sights, first. What easy pickings that would be. Xander was wide-eyed, open-mouthed, looking halfway as though he'd already been done as Willow left Buffy behind, sliding off the couch and crawling towards him. He was sitting on his backside, so when she knelt between his knees she was looming over him, and all he had to do was lift his head to meet her.

This was a practised kiss, deep and sure, and Giles felt a stirring of jealousy. No bumping noses or hesitation, and his hands were confident on her, fingers spreading wide as they slid up her back. All those stolen moments in senior year had taught them well; they knew each other, and something of those feelings lingered... He'd forgotten, that this could be dangerous for them, as well.

"God, Will," Xander muttered as they parted, eyes almost black with need, and she dipped in to kiss him again, briefly.

"Good, isn't it?" She smiled down at him.

"God, Will," he said again.

What now? Buffy and Willow, Willow and Xander, and Xander kissing Giles seemed the next logical step in the circle, and Giles craved it, and it terrified him. If he succumbed, the only anchor was gone, and if he kissed Xander, he was gone.

That wasn't likely. Xander looked to have followed the same mental path and he was staring at Giles like a frightened rabbit. Giles shook his head, not knowing who or what he was refuting, but Xander wisely took it as himself. He exchanged a glance with Willow, and obeyed her nudge towards the couch, knee-walking closer as Buffy wriggled to sit on the edge of her seat, willing.

For so long, Buffy had rebuffed his advances. Now a magic high wrapped around his high school crush and the kiss was hard. He had a hand in her hair and a hand at her waist as her arms circled his shoulders. She gave everything back with equal ardour and the kiss went on, like he might just press her back into the couch. He didn't, but Giles could see it, his hips moving against her, his thighs and arse flexing, his cock sliding in her smooth wet folds.

Giles hadn't seen Willow coming, and he jumped at the hand on his knee. She squeezed, and slid it a little higher, to mid-thigh. "You know how good this will be."

"There will be consequences."

She smiled, not hearing him at all. "We've been inside each other, Giles. We're still inside each other." Her tiny hand slid up his leg, grazing by his groin to settle on his stomach, and it was all he could do not to groan. "I'm inside you."

The last threads of control were gone - pointless control, this was already started - and he came forward and kissed her, the magic sparkling and crackling in their lips and in her hand on his stomach, and this was going to be so much more than magic fucks with Ethan and Randall and all the others because she was right, she was already inside him, and he was inside her. Her tongue was small and quick and salty, from the popcorn.

When she drew back he followed, until she was out of reach and he could see Buffy and Xander staring at them - him - shocked. As though their doing this in front of him were less insane than him falling too. As if he might witness this and not be desperately hard as well.

Next came kissing Xander or Buffy. Either would break something inside him. Xander's gaze dropped. All right.

Giles stood and walked over, crouching before them, daring one quick look at Xander before turning to face Buffy. She didn't let got of Xander's hands.

They looked at each other, and suddenly it was a different kind of awkwardness, like being a teenager and not knowing how to kiss at all. Buffy was waiting for him to come the last few inches. He pulled off his glasses and knocked them safely under the couch, sent his watch after them, and then he kissed her. Just with his lips but he put all his love in it, all his pride, because if he was going to do this, he was going to do it properly. She kissed back with a confidence he hadn't expected, perhaps because he still thought her a girl, or perhaps because he just didn't believe she would give this to him. But she did, and that settled somewhere deep inside him, a fresh new piece in his relationship with Buffy.

She smiled at him afterwards, warm and happy, as pleased as he with this new closeness. He could almost believe that it would always be this way, now, that tomorrow or next week he could catch her hand as she wandered by, and pull her into a kiss. He arched his neck to press his lips to the graze on her forehead, the only external remnant of Adam. He'd like to be able to do that, at least, whenever she was injured.

Everyone had kissed now but he and Xander, and Xander wasn't ready for that. But still, it hung there. Xander, who looked needy and terrified all at once; and lust swept Giles up. He dropped a hand over Buffy and Xander's linked ones and swept his lips over Xander's, too quick for protest but it was long enough to get drunk on the taste of him. The threads of connection inside him thrummed for more. And such delicious shock: Giles wanted to do things that would keep that look on his face always.

Giles slid backwards along the couch to give them some room, a silent promise to Xander that he wouldn't ask for another kiss. Xander stared at him for a few more seconds, probably could have stared for hours, except for the quality of distraction available. Buffy squeezed his hand, and he turned his attention back to her. He let go of her hands and grasped the hem of her hooded sweatshirt, hesitating only a beat for a protest that didn't come before he lifted it over her head, shirt as well, leaving Buffy just in jeans and a black bra, and dear god, she was stunning. Pale skin over deceptively lean muscles, delicious.

Willow had crawled closer, was reaching for her own top when Xander saw. "Wait. Can I?"

She smiled, and lifted her arms over her head, waiting.

Xander just stared for a moment, and then reached, and pushed her v-neck slowly upwards, revealing skin even paler than Buffy's, a tiny waist, a purple bra to match her pullover.

"Kiss again," said Xander, and what a wise man he was. Buffy slid down to the floor, and the girls knelt, knees interlocked, and they kissed. Open mouths, this time, Willow pressing her tongue inside and Buffy welcoming it. It took Giles a long time to tear his eyes from their pink wet mouths, to watch their hands skimming over soft skin, over waists and the delicate small curve of lower back, just above their jeans. Willow's fingers dragged up Buffy's rib cage, and slipped inside Buffy's bra, and the men gasped as loudly as Buffy when her nipple was taken between deft fingers.

Giles was starving to slide up behind Willow and follow her hand, to press the cup out of the way and taste Buffy, make her sharp and hard in his mouth. He was hungry for them, and incapable of moving at all.

Willow pushed Buffy to lean back, resting her weight on her hands, and Buffy went willingly, wet mouth open as she watched to see what Willow wanted. Willow wanted to see her. She slid her fingers up the straps of the bra, giving everyone plenty of time to see what happened next, before slowly, slowly pulling them down over Buffy's shoulders to reveal delicious round breasts, large, dusky nipples. Just as slowly, she leaned in, placed a dry kiss over Buffy's heart, and then took one in her mouth.

Buffy sucked in a breath, head rolling back to show her throat, close enough that Giles could bury his face there, if he had it in him to move. Willow blindly reached and squeezed Xander's knee. He seemed to have been waiting for it - he shuffled up behind her to unclasp her bra, helping her to untangle it without interrupting them, and dropped it on the floor. He quickly unbuttoned his own shirt and threw it off, pulling his t-shirt over his head like it was nothing, and closed his eyes as he leaned in to press his chest to Willow's back.

Giles wanted to tell him to go back and do it again, give his own body the unveiling he'd given Willow's. It was beautiful, broad and tan, enormous beside the girls'. Giles had only had the briefest glimpse of tight brown nipples, the dark dip of navel. His chest was smooth and hairless, and Giles wanted to taste it.

Xander mouthed Willow's neck, working his way up under her hair as she sucked Buffy's breast, and then down the bumps of her spine with a smile, making her squirm, and he reached around to cup her breasts in his hands, utter bliss on his face.

Giles wanted him to take her like that. Open his jeans, pull her jeans down, and enter her from behind as she went down, deeper, on Buffy. He wanted to see Xander nudge Willow to the side and press his cock up inside Buffy as Willow pinched and suckled her breasts. He wanted to see the two girls going down on Xander together, all lewd tongues and pleased moans like a cheap pornographic video. And perhaps while he was distracted, Giles could kiss him again.


He'd forgotten he was part of this.

Buffy reached out for him and he went, helpless to resist. "Shirt," she commanded, and he grimaced. His old body, next to these three, who thought twenty-five was old, but he did as he was told, yanking off his pullover and his t-shirt before stretching out beside them, propped on an elbow to steal one breast from Willow.

Willow smiled at him, never lifting her head but she slid her hand from Buffys' smooth belly to his furred chest, dragging her fingers through the hair. She didn't seem to mind. A hand swept down his back, Buffy's hand, and it was a caress, not a measure.

A brush of fingers to unclasp Buffy's bra, just to show age may have softened and greyed him but it brought other skills, however trivial. And then at last, he took the pointed tip of her in his mouth, still wet from Willow's tongue, sucking and teasing to learn just how Buffy liked it. She gave a high-pitched cry, almost a whine.

Willow's cheek brushed his own, and he turned to kiss her- but she only licked his mouth, licked his tongue, dirty and sexy and full of magic, and three years ago he'd never have imagined nervous little Willow would grow up to be the wild, raunchy one, but he'd hardly imagined this, either, and they shared Buffy's breast, sucking it together as Buffy writhed beneath them.

Willow sat up to catch her breath and there was Xander behind her, eyes wild and dark, and Giles felt the lust wash through him. Xander still had his hands on Willow's breasts, and her nipples were red and swollen. She rested back into him, head lolling against his neck, moaning as he twisted them in his fingers.

Giles glanced at Buffy and she nodded, and Giles took one of those sharp nipples in his mouth as she took the other, and Giles caught Xander's thumb in his teeth, felt Xander's entire body tense through that one joint in his mouth. A long, wet lick, to taste them both, both on his tongue, hard nail and soft nipple.

Willow jerked, and Giles saw Xander's other hand had slid under the waistband of her jeans, and he was touching her, fingers working the same magic as they had where Giles' mouth was now. Giles' mouth watered, at the idea of following him down there. Xander's hand moved from Willow's breast to the fastenings of her jeans. This was beyond kissing.


"No," snapped Willow.

Giles kissed her breast in apology. This was going to get out of control, fast. "Buffy, do you have condoms upstairs?"

Reality like a bucket of cold water over - or no, not a bucket, but certainly a splash, enough that the others were all staring at him. Giles had just announced where this was going, which he'd rather not have done, but he wasn't going to risk missing the turn-off. He remembered how quickly this could escalate.

Buffy nodded. "Yeah."

"Get them."

She snatched up her top and pulled it on as she hurried silently up the stairs, and there was another splash of cold. Buffy's mother upstairs. Giles made an apology inside his head, and whispered an incantation to push Joyce deeper into sleep. Willow stared at him, but he put a hand on her knee and gave her a serious look, and Xander squeezed her shoulders, sparing a nod for Giles, seeming to understand the spell that was beyond his senses. She'd started this but Giles was the one who had to guard the boundaries.

Buffy was back with a whole (open) box, peeling her top over her head as soon as she hit the landing, but the interruption had thrown them off, and now deciding who went where was complicated. Giles certainly wasn't going to make any more suggestions.

Buffy and Willow looked at each other. Something passing between them, and they smiled. So beautiful. They each took a condom from the box, and Willow headed for Giles, as Buffy turned to Xander. Neither man protested.

The girls nudged them back to lean against the couch beside each other, and then their trousers were being pulled off, and the pair of them were naked in Buffy's living room, like some bizarre hazing ritual. Giles could see Xander's cock. It was thick and flushed dark.

They were close enough to brush elbows. Close enough to close a hand around Xander's crimson erection, without even stretching his arm, little more effort to lean forward. Giles already knew how it would feel in his mouth, how he could make Xander strain and quiver if only he knew that he could. However many boundaries had fallen tonight, he doubted that was one. They were simply two naked, hard men, sitting side-by-side, waiting for two beautiful women to make use of them. Giles hoped to god he wasn't about to wake up.

Willow shucked off her jeans and underwear in one move, and Giles finally got to see her thick, red thatch, darker and richer than her head, and in the centre she was glistening, where Xander's fingers had been. Giles was going to touch her, taste her, there, before the night was through. She turned, to wait for Buffy.

Buffy smiled, the smallest flicker of nervousness, as she popped the foil packet between her teeth to free her hands to open her jeans, and wriggle them down and off, leaving her dressed in just the tiniest scrap of black underwear, like a ribbon on a gift. She swayed over to Xander, standing over him. "Want to do the honours?"

Giles couldn't think of anything he'd rather watch. Except perhaps what came after.

Xander's eyes never left Buffy's, as he touched her ankles, and slowly drew his fingers up. Following the curves of her calves, tickling behind her knees, palms sliding up her muscled thighs, until he reached the band. And then his gaze took the scenic route down to meet his hands, and he slid her underwear down.

Good lord. She was shaved into a neat strip. Xander's thumb slid over it, up against the hair and then down, smoothing it. Staying there, just above, as Willow came up and the girls kissed again, and this time Giles could see everything, every inch of them. Buffy's hand tangled in Willow's hair. He'd never been so hard in his life, and then Xander's hand closed over his between them and he realised embarrassing himself was a real possibility.

He quietly dug his nails into his thigh to calm himself down until they drew apart, smiling at each other.

"Your lips are so much softer," Buffy said, touching them with her finger. Willow sucked it in deep, and let it slowly slide out again, and Xander's fingers locked hard on Giles'.

Willow settled on his knees, as Buffy settled on Xander's beside her, and delicate fingers rolled a condom down him and he and Xander were going to break each others' fingers, soon.

Giles put his free hand on Willow's back to guide her forward. She touched herself as she shuffled closer, spreading her juices so she was glistening wet, and she slid straight down on him. Oh. Dear lord. Slick and tight. He held her right there, and breathed.

Xander let go of his hand, and he almost didn't mind. Xander was cupping Buffy's face as he kissed her, eyes closed like he couldn't survive more, but Giles wanted to watch Willow, see everything, her wicked smile, the tiny gasps that heaved her breasts, his cock disappearing into her thick red hair. He was deep inside her, and he could feel her power.

He hadn't realised, hadn't known it was like this, and it almost made him afraid of her. He certainly shouldn't have been turned on by it, but he remembered what wild, untamed magic like that could do, how high he and Ethan had been before the ruin of chaos, and god, he wanted it again.

He brushed a thumb over her clit and she tightened around him, but her intense look didn't waver. "You feel me, don't you?"

He should have denied it, but he nodded and her magical, sparkling fingers tickled down his arm to where he was touching her, a burst of shining magic that filled her cunt and filled him, his own weak magic surging out to meet hers, and it gave him the strength to lift her, to twist his legs beneath himself and press her down on her back and lift her knees so he could thrust hard inside Willow's body, out and deeper, wanting to reach all the way inside to her centre. He wished he was bare so he could spill inside her, feel the strength of them mixing. Her hands cupped his arse and he met her gaze and he saw in her eyes that she'd let him. He could.

He'd pulled out and had it off before he came to his senses, closed his eyes and bit his cheek to fight away the urge. This was madness.

Willow was pulling her knees to her chest, squirming. "Do it."

He wanted to shake her and growl, grip her chin until it hurt and tell her never to do that again, but magic and sex were terrible enough; he couldn't add anger to the mix, so he just held a moment, sucking for breath.

He opened his eyes. Buffy was still in Xander's lap, leaning over him as he rested back against the couch, and it didn't look like they'd stopped kissing this whole time. His hands rested on her hips, guiding them as she ground against him, and their moans were beautiful together.

"Giles?" Willow looked a little afraid now, unsure how she'd pushed him away. It was enough to soothe him.

Her legs were sprawled apart and she was red and swollen where he'd been inside her, the curls around her entrance all dark and wet. That was an altogether better idea. "No more magic," he whispered. "There's more than enough lingering here." She nodded, sober, and he spared a thought for Tara, wondered how he'd compare, her knowledge to his experience, and then he slid his hands up Willow's thighs, and licked her from centre to tip.

Her whole body arched with a moan, enough for a little smugness. He settled down on his elbows and tasted her again, opening her with his fingers to explore all the ridges and valleys of her. He loved this in women, every cunt a new shape but always slick and salty sweet. Willow was pushing up in his mouth, liking his tongue up inside her as much as flicking over her, and he wondered if it was his five o'clock shadow, rough cheeks instead of Tara's smooth. He rubbed his chin against her and she bucked up and moaned louder, and Giles hoped like hell his incantation for Joyce would hold, and he kissed Willow deeper. He could taste her power on his tongue like sherbet but this was safer, and good, and he loved her endless wriggling, her twisting thighs around his ears. Then she called "Giles!" and there was a rush of juices. He stroked her clit as he drank her, while her body snapped against him and she kept calling his name.

Why had he hesitated? This was long overdue. They were entwined, the four of them bound by blood and loyalty and desire, and magic only made it harder to hide.

Willow was just calming when Xander made a long sound. Buffy had pushed him to the floor, was riding him as she pinned his wrists above his head, staring fiercely into his round dark eyes as she rolled her hips against his. She was sexy and powerful, and he was pinned by arousal and awe as much as her grip, and Giles wanted that, wanted Xander in his power. As Giles watched, Xander's eyes rolled up and closed, and his mouth opened in a moan, and Giles wanted it.

A tiny hand tugged on Giles' wrist, and he remembered Willow under him, and he flipped her over and pushed his cock back inside her sparking body, just as Xander whimpered, and he kissed Willow's shoulder in apology for the rough treatment but he didn't stop, felt her smooth back arching against his chest, slipped his fingers down to work her as he thrust, and she was coming again or still coming, and Giles buried himself deep in her smooth, slick body as he listened to Buffy and Xander, Xander's high soft desperate cries muffled by kisses, the sounds of Xander and Buffy coming beside them. Willow turned her head to look at them, and then grinned back over her shoulder at Giles and her eyes flashed and something snapped between them. They were power, they were invincible, Eyghon was clawing inside him as he fucked Ethan, he was filled with Ethan's magic and Willow's magic and he was magical, untouchable, immortal.

He was kissing Willow hard, twisting her head to meet his mouth, his full weight pressing her tiny body to the floor when he came back to himself and jerked away. She pulled him down again, kissing him just as fiercely, and he relaxed against her. There was just enough of his mind left to know this feeling of perfect rightness was only the magic, and he shouldn't have let her taste this bright, strange addiction. He shouldn't have let himself have it again, after all these years. He was going to want this again, and again.

Buffy and Xander were watching them, staring, and Giles knew it without turning around. Just as he knew Joyce was sleeping deeply upstairs, and someone was smoking on the porch across the street. He'd thought he'd remembered the high, but he hadn't remembered this. This was electricity. This was flying. How had he let it go?

He turned to see them. Xander dropped his eyes, as though in all of this he might get in trouble for watching, and Giles and Buffy smiled at each other. Buffy was small and lean and pale like porcelain, and she made Xander look huge beneath her.

Xander was still inside her. Giles could feel him softening, loose and buzzed from orgasm. Confused about how a spell to defeat a Frankendemon had got them here, but totally in support of it, and loving the powder scent of Buffy's skin. Xander thought he was high on the way Buffy had touched him, and was wondering if it would be greedy to ask to do it again.

And Buffy... She was shell-shocked, staring down at him, like Xander knew what he was doing, and she was readjusting her 'just a friend' view. As though sex had never felt like this with Riley or Angel or... some other boy Giles had never known about. If Xander could feel how much she loved him right now, he'd never stop chasing her. And she was still fluttering, a little, as she shifted on him, and it was only going to take a little to make her moan. Giles could do that for her.

A tiny hand slid up his cheeks, and suddenly his view was filled with Willow's face. Delicious, sexy Willow, with her mischievous smile, making him sparkle inside. She was aglow with energy. "I knew it would be good, Giles. So did you."

He also knew they shouldn't, but right now he didn't give a damn. He kissed her again, slowly, bringing her down. Her mouth was tiny and soft... her whole body was tiny and soft. Giles shivered, and Willow tipped her head away, a soothing hand rubbing his back.

He stroked her shining red hair - he'd always wanted to do that, even without the sex - and then cupped her skull and tipped her head towards him, so he could place a kiss on her temple.

He was calmer now, flying high and happy but he could breathe, could pull back and remove his condom... Giles' chest shrank as he realised he'd forgotten to get another. He'd lost control and he'd been in her bare. He should have stopped this before it started.

A warm hand touched his arm. "I'll take a pill tomorrow," Willow whispered, seeming to accept his fears for the first time. "You're clean, aren't you? I just need to take a pill." She'd turned to face him and now she kissed him, lightly, magic in her touch. "Don't fret. Don't go away." She kissed his shoulder, and he pulled her back to his mouth to kiss her properly. Fine. Better than fine, this was good, and it could be fixed tomorrow, and now they could just feel this.


I adore feedback of all sorts, complimentary and critical. This is probably not a piece in search of detailed academic critique, hee. But I am currently in the wilderness, with a small hike to intermittent wireless, so please forgive my extremely delayed replies. I do treasure comments, just slowly.

More Squidfic can be found at
The Lecherous Tentacles of Dr Squidlove

buffyfic, foursome

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