[Ecto-8] You're scaring the straights.

Nov 16, 2011 20:15

{Action - Housemates, Peter, Ray, and anyone else who might notice Egon is gone}-- location: 1490 Kramden Road ( Read more... )

peter, ray, housemates, action

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Comments 82

Action sosghosts November 17 2011, 04:29:36 UTC
[He had asked Egon if he wanted to go home last night, actually volunteered to go with him, but Egon refused-- which is why the fact that he was missing from Venkman's house that morning all the more strange.

He checked Egon's house first, just in case... praying that no one other than Egon answered the door.]


Re: Action drspengler November 17 2011, 04:49:05 UTC
[Sure enough, Egon is the one that answers the door. Or is it Egon? He beams broadly at Peter, holding a kind of weightless positive energy but seeming so absent all at the same time. And what the hell is up with his hair?]

Oh, hi there, Peter. What are you doing here so early? I was just getting ready for work.

[His tone is higher-pitched than usual and eerily cheerful.]


sosghosts November 17 2011, 05:43:40 UTC

[And now everything said during Ilsa's useless blathering finally makes sense to him.]

I'm here as your shrink, Spengs. Don't you remember what you asked me?


drspengler November 17 2011, 06:06:39 UTC
[Egon looks taken aback by Peter's swearing and he blinks at him, thoroughly confused.]

Shrink? I'm... not sure what you're getting at, Peter. [And he just keeps smiling blankly.]


Action pkeccentric November 17 2011, 04:46:57 UTC
[if Ray is to be totally honest with himself, he really doesn't understand this whole issue with Ilsa. it seems so needlessly complicated and ridiculous; a whole bunch of domestic gobbledygook and nonsense from both sides. he wishes they would both just hug and get it over with, then maybe watch TV together over a tray of hot cookies. that's what always gets him feeling better after an argument, and hey, Egon loves cookies. it's win-win all around.

he's dropped by Peter's house, but no one's home. they always go to work together in the morning, so this is just a tiny bit strange. Egon's house seems like the next alternative, so that's where he heads next. approaching the porch, he goes to casually knock on the front door, listening for any signs of activity from behind it.

maybe he and Ilsa are patching things up right now. maybe Peter's with them, too! that would be so awesome.]


drspengler November 17 2011, 05:08:47 UTC
[After a moment or two Egon comes to answer the door and it's immediately apparent that he's just not all there. Still, he smiles broadly at Ray in clear recognition, waving cheerily.]

Hi there, Raymond! Gee, it seems like everyone's coming to visit this morning. I was just getting ready to see you at work.


pkeccentric November 17 2011, 05:16:14 UTC
['gee'? that isn't part of Egon's diction. before coming here, Ray had resolved to approach any and all matters regarding this domestic dispute of sorts with nothing higher than polite neutrality. his resolve, however, finds itself shaking if only momentarily the second Egon opens the door.]

Morning, Spengler. Is everything okay? You weren't at Pete's house, so...I assumed you were feeling better.

[sure seems that way. when's the last time Egon's ever been this outwardly...cheerful?]


drspengler November 17 2011, 05:23:35 UTC
[Not-quite!Egon looks a bit confused bit he keeps on smiling, chuckling a little bit.]

Everything's dandy. Why wouldn't it be? I've been here at home all morning.

Uh, I'd let you in but I don't know if the wife's in proper attire yet. Sometimes she wanders around the house in her nightie. [He says this as if it's the most inappropriate thing in the world.]


Action - maybe a little early? ooeeooahah November 17 2011, 22:52:36 UTC
[ His assigned mate had stayed out of the house for the night, as promised. Unfortunately, there were some tasks she didn't feel were safe to leave undone. So Ilsa was sneaking back in with the milk that was delivered, just to make sure it was properly disposed of. Habit made her make the coffee as part of the task, setting out the safe cream from the fridge. ]

[ She's just finishing flushing the sink with hot water and baking soda when Egon comes in. ]

Ah, just a minute, I'l clear out of the way.

[ She's subdued, and doesn't read him immediately, more concerned with getting away. ]


drspengler November 17 2011, 23:18:21 UTC
No need, dear. I was just going to make a pot of coffee.

[He cheerily walks right over, a newspaper tucked under his arm, and kisses her on the cheek.]

What's for breakfast, honey?


ooeeooahah November 17 2011, 23:41:30 UTC
[ Ilsa freezes. The display of affection would have been welcome, had it been natural, but she guessed it would be months before he would be that comfortable. ]

[ This is not Egon. ]

I... hadn't started anything. Any requests?

[ She is going to have a discussion with Peter, later. ]


drspengler November 18 2011, 05:00:48 UTC
[Ah, that's more like it. Wife cooking breakfast while you read your paper. That's how it should be. He settles down at the kitchen table and unfolds his newspaper.]

I'm thinking biscuits and gravy sounds good this morning. Nothing too sweet.


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