Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong; Changmin/Junsu
Rating: R
Genre: AU/Romance/Violence
Warning: Dark themes
Summary: He’s way too dangerous for Jaejoong to fall in love with him.
Killing Me Softly
His breathing is hollow and calculated, he hides in the shadows, and his presence is ghost like, he’s there and he isn’t; there is a low static that escapes from the ear piece, a crack and he hears Yoochun’s voice;
“They are leaving, wait a while before you enter.”
“Specify, please.”
“Five minutes, minimum.”
“Got it.”
The house is so grandly decorated, it disgusts him. It’s all leather sofas, chandeliers from the roof, big family portraits, expensive furniture, carpeted stairs, clean, marble floors, ancient vases, oak doors; rich, so very rich. He thinks it’s funny how every room is so well lit and there’s practically no one in the house. He walks briskly and sharply across the living room, he doesn’t even bother trying to keep his presence hidden, according to Yoochun’s information there are just four people in the house and Yoochun’s information is never wrong. He glides up the stairs with ease and stops at the first floor when he hears laughter.
This job, he thinks, is way too easy.
“I can see them.”
“Good; now there are three maids currently in the house and one of them might just be coming in with dinners for the brats…Yunho, this job is way too easy for you.”
“Right. Where’s Changmin?”
“On his way up…you should be done in fifteen minutes, I am assuming.”
He carefully peeps into the room, it’s big, too big, there are two people in the room playing video games and laughing happily, there is no one else around.
“Ten is more like it; send Changmin in.”
“Eat my dust, Junsu.” Jaejoong laughs pushing his blonde bangs off his forehead, sitting on the edge of his seat and biting his lip as his cousin screws up his face pressing the buttons on the his game controller; he was going to win, he had to, his reputation was at stake.
“Master Kims, you-your dinner.” Jaejoong hears the maid and grunts, without bothering to look back; “Keep it on the table, we’ll eat later.”
He hears the maid’s heels clack against the floor, but there is something weird; Jaejoong can sense it, there is something wrong. He can hear the maid putting down the tray of food on the table, but the she’s shivering, he can tell by the way the plates and cups are tinkling together, he stops playing momentarily and listens intently, when he realizes he can hear four people breathing and not three; there’s someone else, someone new He quickly turns back but that someone - that someone who is strong - comes up behind him and shoves a cloth onto his face, there’s a strong scent, it’s suffocating and Jaejoong tries to fight the person, he hears the maid shrieking, Junsu struggling, there’s a gunshot, a loud scream, everything is buzzing in his ear and blurring around him, he can see Junsu’s outline passed out and someone’s dragging Junsu out of the room, he wants to scream and get a hold of Junsu but everything is slowly turning black and there are these strong pair of arms holding him back.
“It’s done. They are with us.”
“Any witnesses?”
“One, but she won’t remember anything.”
“Did you leave the note?”
“And he won’t find out?”
“Of course not.”
“Well done Yunho, well done.”
The room smells like dried mud and cigarette smoke and Jaejoong can’t breath properly, his eyelids are stuck together and with difficulty he tries to pry them open, the room is dark and he waits for his sight to get used to it. He can hear a leaking tap somewhere, it’s irritating, the drip, drip sound of water leaking out somewhere; he wants to scream but he can’t seem to move. Suddenly a door bangs open, there is a blinding light, it’s bright and it hurts Jaejoong’s eyes and then it’s dark again, the door slams shut.
“Yunho, this one is bleeding.”
He hears one of them speaking and another weak voice groaning; Junsu He snaps his head up and looks at the silhouette of his cousin on the other side of the room, he sees these two tall men looming over Junsu, studying him and Jaejoong can hear the clockwork in their heads;
“Hey…hey…” He calls out, he can barely hear his voice; “hey…” This is not the time to act smart, he knows, but a gut feeling tells him to. “Hey…” He’s louder and clearer.
Footsteps approach him and someone sits next to him and he’s met with chocolate brown pair of eyes, they are some kind of strange hold in his eyes and Jaejoong for a moment feels like he’s being read by those eyes.
“What do you want?” His voice is like his eyes, chocolate like, smooth, deep and rich and captivating.
“For you to stay from my cousin…” Jaejoong says weakly, pulling himself together and looking at the other in the eyes.
He laughs, it sounds empty but there’s still richness in it; he gets and walks away from Jaejoong. “C’mon Changmin, get that other one with you, we’ll put him into another room.”
Jaejoong watches as they carry Junsu off, he wants to protest but his body hurts, he can’t think straight and everything seems to be spinning again and the world is black again.
Yunho wakes up with a jolt, sweating and panting and trying to breath; it’s the same nightmare, same one, the one he has been having for the past months now. He walks up to the window in his apartment and slides it open and lets the cool air fill his lungs; he leans into the night and tries to clear his mind; but it’s the same damn flashes of nightmares that haunt; nightmares that he refuses to believe as reality.
(“Oppa, when are you going to visit me again?
“When I have the time to Sooyeon-ah”
“Oppa when are Umma and Appa coming back?”
“Soon Sooyeon-ah, soon.”
We’re sorry Mr. Jung, but we are trying our best but the medicines don’t seem to be working on your sister, her memory won’t last for more then a minute
“Oppa, when are you going to visit me again?”
“When I have the time to Sooyeon-ah”
“Oppa when are Umma and Appa coming back?”
“Soon Sooyeon-ah, soon”)
He watches the snail movement traffic from his twenty fifth apartment and closes his eyes and there is a flash of blonde hair and piercing grey eyes and Yunho thinks he is in dire need of sleep and that he is going delirious.
next >> a/n
Sup everyone?
Also this is my first proper post at
drownwith_me This is for
gaypop Also, something that made me roflmao literally:
maxism12: hey I noticed Changmin wasn't in your plot, can I do whatever with him?
gaypop yeah he can be whatever.
idky this is very funny to me x'D
Haha, I have always wanted to write violent!yunjae and well here it is, I guess ;____;