The Ground Below You (Magnet for Your Ear) ...?

Jun 04, 2014 11:36

Alright fellow music enthusiasts! This post is for you!I want to hear your opinions regarding how you listen to your music on a normal basis. Do you download your music into MP3 format using an Application? Do you prefer old fashioned CDs or even the more retroactive Vinyls now regaining vintage popularity? Do you prefer cassette tapes? Follow up ( Read more... )

music, geeky

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drone_dragon June 4 2014, 18:25:22 UTC
My father actually introduced me to XM Radio back during its fruition. LOVED the concept and lack of interrupt commercialism. Especially since they were genre based along with decade based. sssagena also owns an XM Radio application for both at home and her vehicle. So I get my fix when needed on a road trips. XM Radio is just such a great idea for getting band names out there especially when they've released new material!


heyyitsashley June 4 2014, 19:42:28 UTC
I have an iPod touch from like six years ago? I'm out of space sadly, so I always have to constantly take music off to put new music on and that definitely sucks!

I mostly download music off the internet; like torrents. If I can't find them online, then I usually buy the music off iTunes.

I mostly listen to music during work on my iPod or I'll listen to Pandora on my phone. If I'm going to a concert, then I make mix CDs for the car of the bands I'm seeing or if I'm in a car that I can connect my iPod to, then I do that too. :D


drone_dragon June 4 2014, 19:53:46 UTC
Don't feel bad, I'm still jamming with my Sansa e200 from 2006! And that's an advancement from my casual CD walkman player that never leaves my side.

To be honest I used to do the same thing when I used to attend concerts. I have then changed that habit because I found that it raised my expectations WAY too high for when the band actually hit the stage. So now I'll listen to "contrary" musical genres toward the band that I'm about to see therefore raising my appreciation and allowing it to create an impulsive experience since I had trained my ears to something VERY different moments before. XD


golder June 4 2014, 19:51:16 UTC
Personally, I never bought digital music, I prefer to spend a bit more to have the cd (or vinyl in some case) to have the full booklet with artwork and stuff. I usually listen on my computer at home (or on my shiny vinyl player) and when outside, I have a Archos mini-tablet that I use as mp3 player with JLab earbuds and when under the shower, we have a cd player there where I just pick a cd at random to listen to (depending on my mood for the moment)

-Edit- And I still download music as much as before (because I wanna try before I buy) but I never bought as much music as when I started reviewing stuff :)


drone_dragon June 4 2014, 20:11:03 UTC
I'm totally with you (to an extent) as far as appreciating an audio CD and collecting the full booklet with artwork. My only exception IS if the artwork is really bad or uninspiring which would also affect my intake of the music. Very similar opinions to my Dark Tranquillity "Construct" LJ entry. Some other albums that I decided to download instead of physically own because of artistic purposes include:,, )


12daysofrain June 6 2014, 14:58:15 UTC
Players of choice:

For day to day listening, I have my ipod classic that holds 120 gb and it is pretty much dying. haha. It still works, but I had to reset it a few months ago and resync all 90-something gbs of music that I have. It's all fine now. I use klipsch v2 headphones that are noise cancelling, and they work great.

Otherwise, if I listen to music on my laptop, I have beats audio speakers, so those work pretty well.

My vinyl setup is really complex. I have a stanton record player, a mixer, and a 5 speaker surround sound setup for vinyl. I use a higher end dj needle for the records, and it hasn't failed me yet. I've had it for 3 years.

I prefer vinyl, but it's not convenient all of the time.


drone_dragon June 11 2014, 18:51:14 UTC
That's a ton of music, Krist! I'm surprised you don't have an external hard-drive just for music storage!

I still need to acquire a vinyl set-up for my apartment. :/
My father has like three vinyl players incorporated within his home and is going to give me some pointers / help with setting up something frugal and simple for our tiny place. But definitely looking forward to getting myself a good record player especially with the new Opeth and Mastodon coming out soon!

I also prefer vinyl, although CDs are by far more manageable and easy to initiate. THAT and I'm totally biased toward CDs after starting a significant collection.


a_aurantia June 7 2014, 03:10:07 UTC
"old fashioned CDs"

You are NOT young enough to be calling CDs "old fashioned." :P

That said, my car has a 6-CD changer. So I use CDs.


drone_dragon June 11 2014, 19:07:56 UTC
Well... I'm old enough to still have a huge preference toward CDs, vinyls and tape cassettes DESPITE the fact that MP3s have been a mainstream usage for almost 20 years?
But I'm young enough to understand / respect the fact that MP3s are a convenience of technology that is over-glorified by the general populace. But it will never sway my "old fashioned" habits and likeability. XD

Oh my goodness! My father used to own a 6-CD changer in his truck that we shared. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, until it broke, then I was sorely disappointed when I found out how much it cost to repair something like that.

I also used to own a 3-CD changer stereo system that sat in my bedroom all throughout junior high school, high school, community college, and eventually followed me into bachelor's! Unfortunately it pretty much bit the dust five years ago AND I've never had a better sound system since.


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