Deep Inside Unknown Unconscious Streams ...?

Dec 29, 2012 00:20

And then it occurs to me-
Haven't updated in nine days.
Job has been keeping rather busy thanks to overtime.
And then I end up passing out the moment I get home and check my e-mail.
Monster Hunting at lighthawkdragon's pad more than I can count ( Read more... )

music, job, video games, work, vid

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Comments 2

dragonheadthing December 29 2012, 16:32:24 UTC
Late Merry Christmas to you!

I like music by this group too.


drone_dragon December 29 2012, 22:58:37 UTC
Hey! Merry late Christmas to you too, Dht!

Hate to make myself sound like an advertisement, but if you enjoy the band above, I would HIGHLY recommend listening to: Russian Circles, Pelican, and Red Sparowes. Brilliant groups right there under the same ilk but just as variant and indescribably fascinating.


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