title: she's the one (aka: starbuck is a punk rocker)
author: drollicaeipathy
summary: crack!fic. starbuck, helo, boomer, apollo, tigh. apollo wants starbuck, starbuck just wants to listen to the caprican vipers, tigh wants to put them all in the brig, hilarity ensues(?).
rating: pg-13 (language)
spoilers: none. takes place season one.
yea yea - she's the one )
Comments 8
“Yeah, well, if he would change for me, you know? I mean I never went in for the polished stick up his ass type.”
She was smirking and Helo felt the first stirrings of guilt in his gut. “You’re going to destroy him, aren’t you?”
“Physically or mentally?” she asked him, rubbing her hands together.
I love that part. Also really liked your Helo. There is not enough Helo love around :)
Thanks for the fic and the laughs.
Thanks so much for your patience, cooperation and understanding! <3
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