last night i got kicked out of the key club after only being in there for about 15mins but then i met up with kat von d and just got wasted with her so it ended up being a good night
THE LAST 48HRS HAVE BEEN INSANEEE back stage at warped tour in pomona and venture and no sleep what so ever thats defenitly the first time that I had drank for about 36hours striaght. damnnn And I met amazing people,. what an Insane weekend
Its defenitly good to finally be home now and just relax
This is just the start of summer and its been so amazing I love every minute of it and not working I have yet to be bored && The best thing is that im fuckin tann for once
+So far one surf trip down ++2 to go,. _+_hawaii will be amazing +4th of july also going to be amazing,. shaka brahh
So the beach is still amazing Im absolutly loving my new apartment and being able to wake up and look out the window to check the surf!!! Saddleback starts Aug.20 so theres still 2months of surfing n chillen left stokedddd