Hey, thanks for taking the time to vote and put so much consideration into it. I've started Q&As for myself and my fellow judge nominees on several message boards, but will be happy to answer any questions folks might have. If you see a question I missed, or want to ask one privately, I want to be as accessible, open, and directly honest as possible. My email is mail(dot)rpgblog(at)gmail(dot)com, so don't be shy!
JW certainly gave an interesting look at the ENnies through his blog.
I gave Zach a vote. He posts a lot over at theRPGsite and has a Q&A thread over there about his judge nomination. If you want to learn more about Zach, head over there and spy on him, I mean check out what he has to say!
Comments 2
Thanks again, and may the best candidates win!
-Zachary Houghton (aka Zachary The First)
I gave Zach a vote. He posts a lot over at theRPGsite and has a Q&A thread over there about his judge nomination. If you want to learn more about Zach, head over there and spy on him, I mean check out what he has to say!
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