challenge numero uno! (?)

Apr 26, 2007 08:15

Hey-o, there! We'd recently discussed the lack of fic in this community/fandom, as well as a general interest in a challenge or ficathon of some sort to get everyone's creativity revving. As I am not organized enough to set up a proper ficathon (exchanges, e-mailing, and whatnot), I thought I'd make a post pitching the next best thing.


What's this, you ask? As it is early and I am tired, allow me to illustrate with a list. (Also, 'cause I just made it up. I think.)

1. Choose an album released at or not long before the canon of the play/film (in this case, 1983 or a few years earlier).
2. Pick the titles of five songs from said album.
3. Write a 100 word drabble for each one, all centered around the same character, or pair of characters, or trio of characters... you get the drift. Whomever.
4. Post your drabbles in a comment to this post, so we can keep all of the responses to the same challenge all nice and organized, like.

(Example: I chose Adam Ant's solo album Friend or Foe, and my subject shall be one Mr. Lockwood. My drabbles will be posted... erm. TBA.)

The idea is, as 100 word drabbles are much easier to write than full-length stories, you can feel accomplished each time you post one (see, you don't have to post all five at once! great for underachievers like me!).

That's it, I think. Go and invite your friends, neighbors, and milkmen to participate! And have fun!


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