Since its a Federal Loan, when people default on theirs you the taxpayer end up paying for them! might as well play the game, make your mimimal payment per month and go get your masters. I plan on paying for my undergrad with money I make from my job, however as I get deeper into field work and harder classes, my job may have to become part time in which case hello student loans.
Im sure by the time my educational goals are completed, I will be in debt for over 100,000. :) If I was a minority I would have more opportunity for financial aid etc..Perhaps We should start taping our eyes?
Actually, they changed the laws on federal student loans for defaulting. You can't even get rid of them with bankruptcy. You're stuck with them until you die or pay them off. I also didn't make enough money to pay my way through school (though I could have reduced the debt a lot by taking some CC classes and using the tuition reimbursement appropriately..but oh well.)
If I was to get my Masters, I wouldn't know what in. Business? I don't know about that. I have no idea what would intrest me.
Comments 2
Since its a Federal Loan, when people default on theirs you the taxpayer end up paying for them! might as well play the game, make your mimimal payment per month and go get your masters. I plan on paying for my undergrad with money I make from my job, however as I get deeper into field work and harder classes, my job may have to become part time in which case hello student loans.
Im sure by the time my educational goals are completed, I will be in debt for over 100,000. :) If I was a minority I would have more opportunity for financial aid etc..Perhaps We should start taping our eyes?
If I was to get my Masters, I wouldn't know what in. Business? I don't know about that. I have no idea what would intrest me.
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