Wow! Some of these are really great! &hearts Taking 11, 13, an 17, will credit naturally.
Do you mind if I make a suggestion though? Switching from .jpg to .png? .PNG is a higher quality file type so your icons save better and don't have as high of a chance of getting all pixelated and stuff. They also hold up better over multiple saves too. .JPG tend to sometimes deteriorate as they go from your computer to your image host to my computer to my image host, and etc. ^^
Comments 1
Do you mind if I make a suggestion though? Switching from .jpg to .png? .PNG is a higher quality file type so your icons save better and don't have as high of a chance of getting all pixelated and stuff. They also hold up better over multiple saves too. .JPG tend to sometimes deteriorate as they go from your computer to your image host to my computer to my image host, and etc. ^^
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