003. SHINee; twomin; PG-13

Feb 23, 2011 18:35

Home is where your heart is

Lee Taemin (Taeyeon) & Choi Minho;
1176 words;
i wrote this last year and it was for a contest in my college. of course i wrote it thinking in taemin and minho, but i totally changed the names back then. so here it is~ thanks to crimeis who is my beta once in a while. ♡
also~ my first 2min in english! lmao. enjoy! ♡

If she could compare herself to a flower, she would choose the dandelion. It is really simple-like her- and when the wind blows the flower spread its seed around the countryside. They fly over the sky and-for that flower- Taeyeon thinks ‘the sky is the limit,’ because there is no limit in the ground, where the mud lives, for this flower. She is not like the girls in this town, the ones that want to get married as soon as possible just to be able to stay at home and does nothing all day except for their chores. No, she is not like them and will never be like them-she dreams of rainbows and sunflowers, of a better place with smiles and sunshine’s, where the people around her lives happily, where the people around her walks around with a smile on their faces and not a frown. But she knows that the world where she wants to live does not exist not even in her dreams, and the promises of rainbows and happiness are far from being real.

She turns twenty six the next week and she knows that her mother is worried about her marriage. She lives in a small town; she needs to get married because that is the fate of every girl in this small town. Taeyeon knows that she cannot escape her fate and her dreams will continue to be just thoughts and ideas that are not supposed to be there in the first place. She is a woman; she has no rights in this closed minded town. So when the first man comes to her house and ask for her hand in marriage, Taeyeon shivers in fear because there is no way she will want to wed a man who is of the same age as her father. He is not the one she had dreamed of-she has never thought about him at all, in fact. Taeyeon wants someone who she can share her thoughts with, a man with a sweet smile and caring eyes-big eyes, as big as the sun and tanned skin like the mud down her feet. She wants someone who is like a dandelion, someone who can fly free wherever and whenever he wants to fly. But there is no such a man in this little town, for the old men here do not share her views.

The old man is rejected by her father, the reason is really simple: he is old, poor and has bad breath. Taeyeon has never felt more grateful in her life than at that moment, because the old man is gone and she can breathe in peace once again-at least for a few hours. And in those hours she wonders if there is a chance for her to run away from this small town full of girls without dreams and old men without shame. The answer is no, because there is no way for someone like her to be able to survive in the real world, not when she is all alone. And there is no way she will be able to be happy in a small town like this one- not when there is no one in this town that makes her feel like she is in the right place with the right people.

And that is when Choi Minho came to the scene. The young man is full of ambitions and dreams and he is everything Taeyeon had ever wanted if she had ever thought about it. He has a smile that shines bright like the sun in the sky. And his skin, his skin is tanned like the mud down her feet. His eyes-oh his eyes, the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen- are full of promises and secrets, of love and sadness and there is also a tint of hope, desire and freedom. His voice is firm and soft, so deep she feels like drowning in a sea of happiness. This Choi Minho is what Lee Taeyeon was waiting for-a man that dreams of somewhere else, of a different world and cakes full of rainbows and happiness (of a garden full of dandelions and sunflowers.)

The river is the place where they met; one was hiding from the real world while the other was trying to run away from the responsibility of being a woman in this tiny town. Her smile was shy, small and full of anxiety-has she ever met someone like him before? Or better yet, has she ever seen this man before? The curious cat inside her body was willing to come out, and Taeyeon could not help but bluntly let the question she was wondering inside her head come out her mouth-“where are you from? (Why haven’t I seen you before?)” “The big city,” he said and Taeyeon feels like smiling wide and happy, because the big city is a place full of dreams and opportunities. It is a place full of woman that does what they want to do and marry whoever they want to marry and-

“There is nothing in that place; it is just a place full of ignorant and self-centered people that does not care much for those that are dying in front of their eyes.” There is sadness in his voice and Taeyeon feels like her hopes had been crushed (if she listen closely, she can hear the sound of her heart breaking into little pieces, one by one drowning into blood and fears.) “Are you sure there is nothing good about it?” She wants to believe that there is something-anything! And when Minho smiled a sad smile and shook his head, Taeyeon feels like breaking into pieces right there.

“There are no rainbows or sunflowers, nor gardens full of dandelions or cakes baked with happiness. I just wanted to find peace and hope and the city was full of darkness and selfishness. People running around screaming their names with hate and no one cared- no one cared about the rest, about their friends or families. There is nothing worthwhile in a place like that one even though I want to believe that one day there will be something.” Taeyeon smiled despite the sadness in her eyes and she knows. She knows that there is someone in a place like that one, she knows that Minho is full of dreams because he had dreamed her dreams and had hoped for the same things as her and-

“But there is you…” She whispered and Minho stared at her for a few seconds before cracking a smile. Taeyeon knows that Minho is the one that is perfect for her. Because he is tall and has tanned skin and he has a beautiful smile so bright like the sun and he knows-he knows the real world and she knows-she knows that he would take her to the end of the world once he feels like living the crazy life of a city man once again.

pairing: 2min, fandom: shinee

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