Jul 16, 2007 10:23
The New York Public libray is trying to digitaly archive every book written before 1930. This involves either scaning or photographing every page of every book writen before 1930.
Basicly the job is, scan page, turn page scan page. The atmospher is extremly laid back, and while you do have to some very repative work, everyone there is friendly and entertaing it shouldn't be to borring.
It's a full time gig, 40 hours a week from 7am-3pm. The offer health and dental after the first 3 months. You can wear pretty much what every you want to work.
The compesation is 11$ an hour before taxes.
I was offered a position on the spot, and I will be declining it as sweetly as possible today.
It was a difficult dession, an easy laid back job is really apealing to me. I feel like I'd have more energy for my work. I'd be making about what I was at the data center, so I could scrape by on it.
If the job had been part time maybe I wouldn't of been able to resist. But its' a job with no real future, and I'd be making 160$ a week less (paul helped me figure out).
One Hundred and Sixty dollars a week is alot to me, not to mention I'm not sure I'd realy have more energy if I had to get up at 5 am every day to commute.
I've decided to make the best of it, I'm going to use at least some of the extra money on tools that do directly improve my work. Lenses and memory card readers, fine papers, a belt sander, an embordry machine all of the things I've wanted but made do with out.
It was a hard choice to come to, but oh how refreshing it was to have a choice, to have options, to feel I had some say in the flow my life.
If your intrested in the libray job give me a shout and I'll pass the info along to you. They're very nice people.