Spamming with the awesomeness!

May 30, 2008 20:48

I promised some of you an ultimate NPH picspam, but it's a mission impossible. So instead I give you a huge picspam full of NPH randomness. And yes, that obviously includes Doogie =]

Seriously, if you're on dial, skip it!

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Comments 41

taperjeangirl May 30 2008, 22:07:21 UTC
(!)he's so cute!

btw. I'm watching 'Dywan' again LOL, this is so stupid episode.


dresden_doll_01 May 30 2008, 22:22:51 UTC
He's pure awesomeness!

Why do you watch this one? Go watch The Dundies aka my all time fave TO episode!!!


taperjeangirl May 30 2008, 22:28:54 UTC
Your icon is pure love too! I love this pis of Josh!

This was on tv again, last night I was watching epi when Michael told everyone that Jim is in love with Pam.


dresden_doll_01 May 30 2008, 22:43:06 UTC
Hee I'm slowly replacing all of my icons =]

But-but you should watch in order... You have to watch in order to fully appreciate its greatness!

(crap I don't have any TO icons now nor Sawyer... )


yelliandewan May 30 2008, 22:23:09 UTC
This made me so so so happy.

[And random side note, but Randy is still with Simon? I am totally not up to date with these things...]


dresden_doll_01 May 30 2008, 22:28:28 UTC
NPH is better than any therapy. True story.
No seriously, I had a crappy week but doing such picspam? Insta happiness =]

Apparently they're still together. I usually try to block this information and live in a happy denial land but unfortunately I haven't heard anything about a break up... yet?


fresleyforever May 30 2008, 22:29:42 UTC
I am all WTF over the mullet!! 0_0

Anyhoo, lovely picspam-lots of good pictures here! Thank you!


dresden_doll_01 May 30 2008, 22:44:01 UTC
LOL yeah... 1991 wasn't a good year for Neil's hair :P


deuxcoeurs May 30 2008, 22:39:26 UTC
So cute. Oh my God, that picture with Cobie. ♥


dresden_doll_01 May 30 2008, 22:44:30 UTC
I know! I adore this pic!


wowsugarpuss_ May 30 2008, 22:40:34 UTC
Hee, this is so amazing, and everything's all new and shiny to me! He is super adorable.

Do you have the originals of 3, 4 and 6 in the HIMYM section that I could have? ♥


dresden_doll_01 May 30 2008, 22:49:06 UTC
Sure, here you go:

3, 4, 6


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