Pre Valentine's Day Picspam #2

Feb 12, 2006 01:29

Ok I had a crappy day. I'm not in Paris having fun, I think I cought a cold and I have tons of things to do for Monday, I slept half of this afternoon and French post offices are stupid. So I guess it's time for a picspam right? ;)

And since the last one was all about "awwwww"s, this one will be a bit hotter. Oh my...   ;)

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Comments 23

eelhsa_ashlee February 12 2006, 19:13:47 UTC
Hope you'll feel better soon! *hugs*

I love pic spams! and that one is really good! *sighs*


dresden_doll_01 February 12 2006, 19:32:14 UTC
Thanks hon! *hugs back*

Picspams are cool to post! I'll have one more before VD I think :)


irmak February 12 2006, 22:10:52 UTC
There's nothing better than picspamming when there're so many other things to do :)

Something for meeee! Yaaay!

*gasps* Half naked Johnny Castle! I have a huge crush on Patrick Swayze, well, I mean, on his young years. But you know what, I'd do Dennis Quaid in a minute. He's still hot. Heee. (Just to show you my sick taste, but I seriously would ;))

cuffed!Spike is love.

And Veronica never looked happier. Seriously. NEVER. That should fucking tell something :)

You seriously make me wanna watch QaF, like, soon. But I should have something to spend my summer with :)


dresden_doll_01 February 12 2006, 22:43:36 UTC
Dennis Quaid is still young comparing to like Sean Connery or Jeremy Irons that I find sexy and hotter now than when they were young. And it's not a proof of my sick taste ;)
Johnny Castle was teh hotness! Ooooh in this leather jacket and sunglasses... What a rebel... *sighs dreamily* Or not only half naked but also wet in this lake... Gawd... Who didn't have a crush on him raise your hand, I'm more than curious if it's possible!

She was definitely happier than with Donut. We all know how adventurous and orgasmic was her sexlife with him... At least Logan would show her some good time. Maybe she was such a bitch when she was with D b/c she was frustrated and unsatisfied? That would explain a lot.

There's no better way to spend your summer than with QaF. But a little suggestion - lots of cold drinks and showers might be necessary ;)


irmak February 12 2006, 23:43:55 UTC
Let's not forget to add Sean Penn or Gary Oldman (I find him SO eccentric in a hot, kinky sorta way. Heee) Yeah, some older man are still so hot.

I did! I did! Sigh. I watch that movie just to watch him half naked. Uh, and watch him dance. And make out. And dance some more :)

Yeah, "dim sum and then some." And we saw what came after than. Ewww. Logan knows how to treat a gal :)

Hee! I'm kinda looking forward to it. At least I'll have some hot moments, not be have to dream about it like I do now :)


dresden_doll_01 February 13 2006, 00:12:52 UTC
OMG Gary Oldman! Dracula! I adore him... And he gives this kinky sexy vibe hehe
Seriously some man are getting better with age. Others unfortunately not. It's actually sad when you see Patrick Swayze now. Was it you telling me something about him and his wife wishing Happy New Year on the internet to get attention? Oooh he was sex in Ghost too. I cried at the end of course lol
I love Dirty Dancing - it never gets old. I can watch it over and over again and evey time I'm having the same reactions of awwww and OMG he's so hot :)

I can just imagine Donut's idea of dirty talk and I'm sure he's a frog guy when he comes - you know eyes wide opened and grunts lol Ok that's a disturbing thought, please don't let me visualize... argh... beurk... I visualized it lol

Hon, there's no such thing as not-hot episode when it comes to QaF. Even without sex scenes there's Brian aka sex on legs.


AWWWWW.....GRRRRRR.... anonymous February 14 2006, 13:37:15 UTC
Coucou,I'm back on line!!!
C'est déprimant tes images.Kate plus Sawyer+Buffy(bon elle on s'en passe,ok...)plus Spike c'est tellement déprimant....Snif...en plus on est jour de l'année qui déprime plus que Toussaint today,blerk tout le monde est tellement flanby,je vais vomir,blerk,blerk,blerk.Je dois faire partie des rares filles non célibataires qui haissent St-Valentin.Ben oui jsuis aigrie et alors?!L'amour c'est moche,ça dure pas et c'est qu'un idéal de bonheur inaccessible qui ne se passe que dans mes séries ferait mieux tous de trouver un moyen virtuel de rentrer dans écran TV pour nous faire rêver pour de vrai,hihi....oùùùùlalalalalala,jcrois que je m'égare là.Mon cas de s'arrange pas.Un conseil tout le monde : le 14février,n'allumez pas la télé,ni la radio,ni le journal,vous n'y échapperez pas!!!!Le pire dans tout ça,c'est que même sur le net on se fait agresser par pleins de pub loverblerkkkk.....J'attends de tes news.Biz.Sonia.


Re: AWWWWW.....GRRRRRR.... dresden_doll_01 February 14 2006, 16:15:25 UTC
LOL Jadooooooore le smiley que t'as mis la!
C'est vrai que t'es une de rare non celibataire qui deteste cette fete... Hmmm... Qu'est-ce que Toto t'as donne cette annee hein? Une statuette? Un livre? LOL
Oooooh imagine une sorte de l'ile fantastique ou on te fait entrer dans n'importe quelle serie et c'est a toi de choisir scenario etc. Hmmm ms quelle serie j'aurais pu choisir... ;)


Re: AWWWWW.....GRRRRRR.... anonymous February 14 2006, 16:25:56 UTC
Je m'y vois déjà.........................mais faudra faire option super perfectionnée pour entrer dans plusieurs séries à la fois lol je ne vais pas me contenter d'une seule tout de même!


Re: AWWWWW.....GRRRRRR.... dresden_doll_01 February 14 2006, 17:04:13 UTC
Oh je vois deja des orgies ds mon joli pt mix des series hehe
Oooooh j'ai oublie de te dire (heuresmnt perso comprend francais ici pk c'est un spoiler :)) - Jess va revenir encore une fois cette saison! Yay!
J'ai parle avec Sarah hier, la povr el pass la St Valentin chz grd mere avec c parents...
Moi ce soir j'ai fete St Valentin avec Gale, Josh, James etc etc Au moins ils me font pas chier et pi c des bon coups lol En tt k j'espere... Non serieusmnt ils peuv pa etr mauvai nespa?


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