Unfair but also cuddles.

Jan 20, 2012 09:50

So. The Boy came home from school feeling tired and sore on Wednesday but he had a hard row the night before and was up late with homework. He was grumbly and out of sorts, we had hard words ( Read more... )

life is messy, bowties are cool

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Comments 2

valancy_joy January 20 2012, 16:00:40 UTC
SURVEY SAYS.... ALL THE CUDDLES! Must put on fic hat and think if I can find any cuddly words.

Nine and Rose are awesome for comforts.


dremiel January 20 2012, 16:29:29 UTC
The fic hat suits you! Yay for cuddle fic!

Rose and Nine rock! He turned of the TV during The Unquiet Dead to go back to bed and one room over where I am ostensibly working (ha) I was all NOOOO!


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