Not a good omen...

Apr 27, 2011 19:13

Me: ~ makes mildly unpopular parental ruling on a computer gaming question ~

The Boy: "You have a valid point."

Me: "OMG, WHAT? Are you sure you're allowed to agree with me?"

The Boy: "I'm only fourteen; my instructions say this is the time to lull you into a false sense of security."

things my kid said, geek mom, made of win

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Comments 11

valancy_joy April 28 2011, 00:46:27 UTC
all the lols! :) at fourteen I would have shut myself in my room and wept copiously!! I think Sam's a bit more of a hand at being a teenager!!


dremiel April 28 2011, 00:48:55 UTC
We've certainly had emo behaviour but the Wellbutrin is helping A LOT!!!!


huesiemama April 28 2011, 00:49:36 UTC

I am not sure if I should congratulate you or sympathize with you. :0)


dremiel April 28 2011, 00:50:36 UTC
I often wonder about this as well!


taffimai April 28 2011, 01:02:52 UTC
The idea of there being a manual for teenagers is terrifying.


dremiel April 28 2011, 21:56:41 UTC
IDL - might be a good thing. I remember being confused ALL THE DAMNED TIME when I was a teen.


thorinsmistress April 28 2011, 01:22:50 UTC
Of course, 14 is that time for boys. It hits earlier for girls - about 11/12. Oh, teenager-dom. How glad I am that those years are gone (for me). I don't even have kids....


dremiel April 28 2011, 21:57:17 UTC
YES, THIS. 14 yo girls are kinda scary.


jesshelga April 28 2011, 12:09:04 UTC
Hee hee!


dremiel April 28 2011, 21:57:28 UTC


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