Introvert forced to see people ALL THE DAMNED TIME!

Nov 17, 2010 09:24

Goodness, this "people traipsing around my house at all hours of the day" thing is putting a serious cramp in my desire to procrastinate about my work and slack around coughing and feeling full of woe ( Read more... )

scarred but smarter, life is messy, change is good

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dremiel November 18 2010, 03:04:17 UTC
Seriously! *g*!


paragraphs November 17 2010, 16:29:49 UTC
I thought your home was warm and comforting and just...marvelous. And no I can't keep my home clean, it is horrid dirty, but I've been so apathetic since my boss got fired and I lost all burnign desire to love this place, that I really don't care long as the kitchen and my bedroom stay clean. Bad huh. The front is a jungle too. :*(

Writing is going well at least, but I have lots of incentive to get this ms done and turned in, too.


dremiel November 18 2010, 03:05:50 UTC
You are LOVELY! Thank you!

Yeah I'm generally: clean bathroom/kitchen and tidy front room...who cares about the rest kinda gal. Probably because my mother keeps a spotless home.


dremiel November 18 2010, 03:06:58 UTC
Oy, Was trying to hit return and I posted that..

I'm so sorry that you are still feeling estranged from the workplace, it sucks.


sabriel75 November 17 2010, 16:42:19 UTC
From the freak who does really try to keep her house clean all the time, I sympathize with your plight because I really do hate that I am that way. And my husband is too.

Also, renovations and having strangers in the house weird me out, so don't feel bad that you feel that way. It's quite normal even if you aren't an introvert. :D


dremiel November 18 2010, 03:07:53 UTC
I would LOVE to keep it clean all the time. I settle for keeping the bath and kitchen really clean and the rest "mostly tidy".


telepresence November 17 2010, 16:49:16 UTC
I'm an introvert searching for a new roommate for my spare bedroom, and the whole process of having an endless series of strangers in my house is driving me crazy.


dremiel November 18 2010, 03:08:31 UTC
Ugh, I feel for you! I remember those days. At least none of these folks will actually be LIVING here.

Best of luck.


ancarett November 17 2010, 18:52:21 UTC
This is why we painted our own living room, dining room and family room. Oh, and the fact that we're broke. But strangers in the house? No way, not if I don't have to!


dremiel November 18 2010, 03:10:48 UTC
If only I could rewire our house and add a bathroom and office! I'm happy to work hard but some skill sets I just do not have!

We're about to be SO BROKE! I got very accustomed to not having a house payment and even though I love the plans and REALLY want the end result part of me thinks we're NUTS to take out the loan.


dremiel November 18 2010, 03:11:04 UTC


ancarett November 18 2010, 03:12:39 UTC
Don't you love Hyperbole & a Half? That blog is the funniest thing that I've read in years.


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