TW Drabble: What a comfort

Jul 14, 2010 17:58

Title: What a comfort
Characters: Ianto, Jack
Rating: G
Notes:  For pocky_slash I hope you feel better soon, babe.   Posted to tw100  for Challenge 159. Reverse fandom challenge: Lost, Episode title "Do No Harm" if you squint REALLY hard.

What a Comfort )

torchwood, tw100, fic? really?

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Comments 9

rustydog July 17 2010, 06:05:56 UTC
“Who else do you fucking think comes over, Jack?”

That was my favorite too. :) And Jack's choice of movies!


jsks July 17 2010, 06:46:22 UTC
agree with ianto about jack's taste in movies.


hab318princess July 18 2010, 06:33:40 UTC
Not sure I should giggle as Ianto is so poorly, but this is lovely


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