Oh, please?

Jun 14, 2010 00:53

I was looking through old posts for a specific piece of information that is gone from my brain and in a totally unrelated way found that In a rambly post on September 24, 2009 I wrote ( Read more... )

torchwood, blue glow, addictive behaviors are fun!

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Comments 5

lefaym June 14 2010, 07:50:40 UTC
Yes, you can write Torchwood S4. Everything you've said here would be totally okay with me. :)

(But can we have Agent Johnson too?)


dremiel June 14 2010, 13:58:56 UTC
I would love to have Agent Johnson in the mix! Of course we need Alice too as I've been expertly conditioned to see them as partners!


lefaym June 15 2010, 00:20:43 UTC
Yes, yes, I think this is indeed necessary.


sabriel75 June 14 2010, 12:27:32 UTC
It would be wild and I am not certain the pattering of my heart could handle Ianto married though.


dremiel June 14 2010, 14:00:48 UTC
I think the tension would be DELICIOUS! He probably wouldn't know WHAT was so awkward and strained beyond his counterpart being all, you know, dead, for several episodes.

Did you not know that I'm eeevil?


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