Fanfic Update! A Thousand Glimpses: Eighteen (Bianca/Reese)

Feb 12, 2009 00:10

TITLE: A Thousand Glimpses
SERIES: All My Children
AUTHOR: dreiser
YAHOO ID: dreiser7
CONTENT: F/F romance. F/F sex. Bianca/Reese. Breeze.
SUMMARY: Reese Williams had experienced a thousand glimpses of the life she always wanted but until she met Bianca Montgomery she never thought she could have it for herself.
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but my dislike of being cold.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is just a fluff chapter. I'm honestly not sure how much I like it but the show canon mentioned a trip to Marseille and so here we have it. As always, feedback is spiffy, particularly the constructive sort.

The song that Reese and Bianca dance to is 1, 2, 3 by Natasha St. Pier. Just for the fun of it here is Cette Vie Nouvelle by Priscilla otherwise known as the Flashdance theme in French. I had to share it because it makes me giggle with its awesomeness.

Oh yes, for those nerdy and curious here is Bianca's dress and Reese's outfit.

A Thousand Glimpses

By: Dreiser


At just past ten o'clock, they arrived at the villa Reese rented in the Vieux-Port near the north side Fort St. Jean entrance. When the train stopped at the St. Charles Station in Marseille they were met by a man from the personalized travel agency with keys in hand for a sporty Jaguar XKR convertible well as their private villa.

Their bags were abandoned by the front door and they stumbled through the dark, laughing as they made their way through unfamiliar surroundings in an attempt to find a bedroom. Lost in a kiss with Bianca, drowning in the softness, in the sensation, Reese aimlessly searched the surface of the wall, feeling for a light switch. Finally they were bathed in a soft glow and as they separated, Bianca ducking her head to suck on Reese's neck, the blonde noticed they had somehow ended up in the laundry room. She only had a moment to chuckle at this before her lips were seized in another kiss and their journey moved out of the laundry room and down a darkened hallway.

Once again, Reese found herself against a wall, Bianca's body pressed next to hers, not a breath of space in between them, immersed in a kiss so passionate she no longer cared where she was. She only cared about getting closer, feeling more of the brunette, and her hands slipped underneath Bianca's blouse, moving up to hold full breasts in her hands before sliding around to release the other woman's bra. Pulling away from their kiss slowly, Reese murmured that she wanted to see her, to feel her, and Bianca gave a shaky nod of consent, lifting her arms up as the blonde removed her shirt and bra.

Time was doing that strange thing again, where it seemed to slow down and seconds seemed like hours, and Reese was so grateful because she wanted this to last as long as possible. She moved forward smoothly, one hand going around the brunette's waist to pull her against Reese while her other hand cupped Bianca's breast. Swallowing the quiet moan from the other woman during their kiss, smiling against Bianca's lips, and whispering to her when they parted. Telling her all the things she thought but had been too afraid to say. How sexy she found her, how she loved her body, the swell of her breasts, and the curve of her hips. Reese found many women attractive before Bianca but none of them ever managed to affect her this way. Somehow she thought that was reserved solely for the brunette and Reese told her so, whispering this against her lips then kissing her sweetly, thumb lightly brushing over the nipple of the breast she held in her hand, pressing the brunette ahead, moving them down the hallway, still searching for a bed in the back of her mind.

Inexplicably, they continued stumbling through the dark, their kisses becoming more ardent and zealous, Reese still searching for a room with a bed as they went. Her focus half with Bianca and half on this search, though she found her attention suddenly fixated as she felt the other woman's hand slip underneath her panties, playing at the outside of her pussy, and Reese gasped, concentrating solely on Bianca, taking in the slow smile on full lips before they kissed her own and those fingers weren't teasing the blonde any longer. They were moving inside her in a firm and steady stroke, reaching up inside while a thumb played over her clit and those lips, they kept kissing her, tasting from her more deeply. With an audible thump, Reese was against another wall and she never came so hard and fast in her life and once her orgasm struck, she was shuddering and weak in the knees, Bianca's arm around her waist the only thing holding her up.

Bianca's fingertips were delicate, barely brushing her skin as they slowly moved from her pussy, trailing up her abdomen before slipping out from under her shirt, lifting up to the other woman's lips. One then the other, Bianca sucked on them in a clearly sensual gesture and Reese could only watch, helplessly aroused, then Bianca moved in, whispering in the blonde's ear, telling her how much she enjoyed the taste of her and hearing this was all that Reese could take.

With a soft growl and a swift yank, Reese was on her knees and Bianca's slacks were pooled at her feet, soon followed by her panties. The brunette had briefly managed to say her name in surprise when Reese parted pale thighs, pushing them apart and moving in, tongue extended to have a taste of what she enjoyed best, smiling when she heard Bianca moan and felt her shudder as nimble fingers tangled in her hair, pressing Reese closer. Long and languid strokes of her tongue, taking her time to relish and to savor, sucking on the brunette's clit and moving her hands up to wrap around Bianca's waist, holding her tight, wanting the other woman as close as possible. Bianca came with a cry, louder than any Reese ever heard from her before and with it, the architect realized the difference of being alone together on this trip.

Having sex in a dark hallway in Bianca's house wouldn't ever be a possibility, not with Miranda there, and hearing the cry the brunette released, Reese knew that some part of the other woman had been holding back, at least on the matter of noise out of concern for her daughter but here there were no such worries. If this was just the first of the differences, Reese couldn't wait to experience the others, to know all the sides to Bianca and she was sure she was seeing yet another as Bianca stepped out of her slacks and panties, pulling Reese up to her for a fierce kiss the blonde grinned on receiving.

Almost an hour passed before they finally found a bedroom and three more elapsed before they went to sleep but Reese couldn't have been happier to be on a trip she was positive would be filled with many enjoyable firsts.


Soft and fleeting kisses to her neck and collarbone is what Reese woke up to. Opening her eyes with a blink, she smiled slowly, taking in Bianca's beauty in the bright light of a new day, muted by the filmy curtains of a nearby window. A dark lock of hair fell across the brunette's forehead, almost in her eyes, and she reached up to push it away, her smile growing larger as Bianca leaned down to kiss her as she did. They continued to kiss lazily and there was no rush in this moment, just a sense of ease and relaxation.

Knowing that they had all the time in the world to do whatever they wanted and no one there to interrupt them, it brought something new to their embrace. It wasn't like when they had sex before it was rushed and hurried, unsatisfying in some way, but in the back of their minds there was the reality of their obligations and their work. Things that had been left temporarily behind and now they just had one another. Sighing happily into Bianca's kiss, Reese trembled as she felt the brunette's fingertips trace a light path down her side, almost as if they were painting her body with their touch and they continued to do this as they kissed, slower and deeper, an intense study that left the blonde feeling overwhelmed.

Sometimes Reese thought she didn't have anything more to give. That Bianca had found every last piece of her and claimed it as her own then moments like this arrived where she experienced something that had been utterly unknown to her and she knew yet again the brunette had opened something else up, had discovered something Reese wasn't aware of and though she hated it, she found herself crying as Bianca made her come and she shuddered and shivered in the other woman's arms who held her close and kissed away the tears.

Morning turned into the early afternoon when they left the bed, moving to the bathroom to shower together, kissing and caressing and Reese wondered if she should try and keep track of how many times Bianca made her orgasm in their weekend together because she was sure it would be a number far more impressive than any of her previous lovers. It wasn't surprising though, being with Bianca was better than anyone else, both emotionally and physically. Whenever Reese was with her she felt a genuine connection, as if this was where she was meant to be, the place she could finally be completely understood and loved without any pretense.

Taking a short drive to Le Cours Julien, they shared a long and leisurely lunch at La Parenthese, a Bar a Vin, feeding each other and sharing their wine, smiling and laughing and pausing during their meal to kiss and to touch. Reese had never been this way, she had never expressed so much affection for another person in public but Bianca inspired it in her. There was still that ever present propriety her mother had hammered into her telling her not to take it too far in the view of others but when she had been with Simon she was hesitant to kiss in public. With Bianca didn’t think twice about it, wanting nothing more than to feel the brunette's lips against her own and Reese wondered if maybe it was because her desire, her emotions, for the other woman were strong enough to override her mother's influence.

Certainly it felt that way, Reese had already changed so much since meeting Bianca. She dared to confront her parents expectations of her and tear down that neat little box they had placed her in. Revealing to them for the first time who she really was and hurt as she was by the result she was so very happy that she had done it because it was finally over. No more worries, no more wondering, she knew how her parents felt and while it wasn't the reaction that she wanted Reese finally had that truth just like she had that love, that acceptance, from Bianca to keep her strong, to keep her whole.

After lunch they explored the picturesque courtyard, walking through the garden that had been converted from a fruit and vegetable market. Taking in the sun drenched terraces hanging with greenery and the landscape that was decorated with fountains. Each Saturday the square became a flower market and Reese smiled as she watched Bianca study the flowers. Stopping to covertly pay one of the vendors for a white calla lily, handing it to the brunette with a smile, laughing as Bianca kissed her, thanking her with an exaggerated pleasure that nevertheless made Reese laugh happily along.

Leaving the flower vendors, they inspected the small shops surrounding the square. Reese was thinking of her plans for tonight as they stopped in their walk in front of a trendy fashion boutique she moved to stand behind Bianca, her arms wrapped around the other woman's waist, holding her close. Reese rested her chin on the brunette's shoulder and murmured in her ear, "We should go inside. I want to pick out a you a dress for you to wear tonight."

"Oh?" questioned Bianca, lifting an eyebrow, a curious gleam in her eyes. "What's going on tonight?" Reese opened her mouth to reply, a smug look on her features, and Bianca groaned, interrupting her as she said, "Wait. Let me guess, you can't tell me because it's another surprise."

Chuckling in amusement and kissing Bianca's neck, Reese drawled, "You must be psychic."

"And you must be frustrating," Bianca responded sardonically, though the grin she wore, and how she leaned back into Reese's embrace, her neck arching to give the blonde better access, clearly revealed her lack of irritation with the situation.

"Frustratingly romantic," said Reese in sing song tones, smiling when Bianca groaned at this. She slipped an arm around Bianca's waist and walked towards the entrance of the boutique with the other woman. She looked towards the brunette upon seeing the sly look on her face as Bianca said her name, Reese replied a bit warily, "Yes?"

"If you're picking out a dress for me, then I get to do the same for you, right?" asked Bianca, looking at the blonde with an altogether expectant expression. "It doesn't seem fair otherwise." Inspecting the dresses in the shop with a lidded gaze, Reese tried not to reflect her displeasure with this idea. It wasn't that she didn't want Bianca to choose her outfit, it was more that if she had the option she preferred pants over dresses and skirts and she had been hoping to wear a sleek if not sexy suit for the night of dinner and dancing she had planned. Trying her best to hide her disappointment, she started to form an overly bright smile but stopped when she felt Bianca's fingers, whisper soft on her skin and then she was looking into brown eyes that were dark and knowing. "What is it?" asked Bianca quietly. "What's wrong?"

It would be so easy to deny anything was wrong, to forget her previous thoughts, to make Bianca happy by just going along, to quash down her real self, and give into what she thought others wanted of her but she swore she would end that when she started her relationship with Bianca. That's why Reese said in a sheepish response, "I don't really like wearing dresses. I never have, not even as a little girl. Honestly, I think it has to do with the frilly things my mother stuck me in. They were itchy and you couldn't move and even though I was just miserable in them I had to wear those dresses constantly. As soon as I had some sort of choice in the matter I traded in my collection of dresses for a closet full of pants. Something which naturally horrified my poor mother."

"But I've seen you in dresses before," said Bianca in confusion.

"I wear them now and then, when the mood strikes me, but I still prefer pants," Reese admitted.

She studied the brunette with a rather nervous expression, waiting for the Bianca's reaction, and Reese felt a wave of relief when the other woman gave a sweet smile, moving in to kiss her lightly before she murmured in her ear, "Then I get to choose your outfit. The shirt, the pants, the entire ensemble." Pulling away, her smile growing larger on seeing Reese relax in her arms, Bianca tilted her head to one side. "How does that sound?"

"That sounds perfect," said Reese with a quiet pleasure. A sort of impishness overtook her and she asked, "Are you going to pick out my lingerie too? It would be considered a part of my ensemble."

"I just might," Bianca said smartly and Reese chuckled as the brunette hooked her fingers in the belt loops of her pants, pulling the blonde after her as they walked through the boutique.

One by one they went through the dresses, holding them against Bianca's curvaceous frame, laughing and debating which would look best on her. In the end, Reese decided on a flowing red dress that was elegant and classy but still short enough to show off Bianca's legs and low cut enough to reveal her cleavage, two things Reese was extremely fond of. The moment Reese chose Bianca's dress, the other woman focused on the search for a perfect outfit for the blonde, trying to wheedle details about what they were doing tonight as she did so, claiming she needed to know to make the right decision.

Dropping small hints here and there, enough that Bianca would be able to pick something appropriate, Reese trailed after the brunette as they wandered through the boutique. Holding Bianca's hand and laughing as the brunette debated which shirt would look sexiest on her and which pants had the best cut for her frame, Reese realized she never done anything like this before. The few women she had been with hadn't been real relationships and she never had the desire to do anything this romantic with the men she had dated. There was a strange sort of happiness in this moment, listening to Bianca talk about what she thought looked best on her, hearing the other woman speak so openly about her opinions on Reese's beauty and it filled her with a quiet warmth to know Bianca found her attractive. Reese never doubted her looks, it was the one thing her mother reassured her on, but she never much cared about them either.

Naturally she wanted to look nice, most women do, but she didn't fixate on it and she never much cared if people liked her appearance. It was nice when they did, making things convenient when she wanted to have sex with them, but it wasn't a driving force in her life but lately she had been just a tad preoccupied by it. Mostly because she wanted to see that shine of desire, that look of want, reflected in Bianca's dark gaze and it inspired Reese to focus more on her appearance than she ever had before.

Eventually Bianca decided that an all white outfit would suit Reese best. Her choice consisted of a pair of sleek fitted pants, a low cut vest in place of a shirt, and a thin jacket. Her fingers still hooked in the belt loops of Reese's pants, she pulled the blonde after her and into a dressing room, closing the wooden door behind them. Yet again, Reese found herself against a wall with the welcome weight of Bianca pressing down on her and she couldn't help but give a soft, almost unperceivable moan as the other woman kissed her sweetly. As they kissed she felt Bianca's hands at her stomach, moving down to unbutton her pants, tugging them down.

When they parted, Bianca grinned and said, "We have to see how your new pants fit, don't we?"

"Yes, we do," Reese agreed, slipping her hands under Bianca's shirt, lifting it up and over the other woman's head. Kissing the brunette's neck, smiling as she felt Bianca tremble under her lips, she recalled their previous conversation and murmured teasingly, "But we also have to see how your dress fits. I don’t think it would be fair otherwise."

"It's always good to be fair," breathed Bianca, removing Reese's shirt. Her hands slid up to cup the blonde's breasts and she moved in for another kiss, smiling as she did, and as she pulled away she ducked her head down to rest in the crook of Reese's neck. "I can't believe we're doing this in a dressing room," she confessed with a rueful laugh.

"What?" asked Reese innocently. "Undressing? I think that's what they were created for."

"You know what I mean," said Bianca with exasperation, lifting her head and faintly pinching the blonde's hip causing Reese to jump and fake injury until the other woman gave her another kiss.

"I do," Reese acknowledged as the kiss ended. She studied Bianca with an affectionate gaze, pushing a lock of dark hair from her eyes, and her voice low and throaty with desire, she said, "But I can't seem to control myself with you."

Bianca looked into Reese's eyes for a long and seemingly endless moment, then she dropped her head, her breath warm against the blonde's skin as she murmured, "And I don't want you to." Gazing at Reese with a wry humor, a muted but obvious passion bubbling just beneath the surface, Bianca kissed her again, gentle and tender, then said against her lips, "Let's try on our clothes then get out of here. I want to be alone with you, as soon as possible."

Smiling slow and easy, delighting in the want she saw in Bianca's eyes, the desire for her that gave Reese a sense of pleasure she never experienced with anyone else, she couldn't help but agree because honestly, it was all she really wanted.


The instant they were back inside the villa, their newly purchased clothing was carefully put by the wayside, and they made their way back to the bedroom, kissing and touching during their short journey. Bianca forming a lazy smile, her eyes dark from the lust, from the longing for the architect and the brunette's hands were hot on Reese's skin as she pushed the blonde back onto the bed. Moving with a catlike grace, Bianca was on top of her and they were kissing deeply, hands moving for detailed caresses, tugging and pulling at each other's clothing until they were naked.

Part of Reese had debated the idea of keeping track of the number of times they were together during this trip but she already lost count. Being alone, being together, their connection was much clearer, almost as if their need for one another had been set loose and it all came crashing down, like the water escaping from a dam.

Nowhere was left untouched, each and every part of her felt the warmth of Bianca's kisses, the heat of her hands stroking her skin and Reese swore it felt like she was being worshipped. No one had ever treated her with this much kindness and care before, not even Simon and he was an inherently kind man, that was the only reason she agreed to marry him but he wasn't like this. He didn't have this overwhelming tenderness behind every touch and every kiss and Reese could feel the love, the affection, Bianca had for her and it was almost like she was being surrounded by it.

Her fingers automatically buried themselves in the dark hair as Bianca moved lower, tongue flat against her pussy, tasting her with long and leisurely strokes. Sucking on her clit before clever fingers were added, slipping inside, thrusting at a smooth and steady pace, while that tongue, it remained on her, tasting and touching and moving knowingly. It seemed like Bianca knew exactly what she needed and magically knew how to give it to her and Reese had never been so happy, she had never felt this loved, this understood, and when she reached orgasm she released a cry of pleasure.

Not anything loud, it was just above a whisper, but it was noise and Reese never made noise. She always held back, kept herself silent, there was that restraint she couldn't seem to rid herself of but it was gone now, Bianca had destroyed it and as she was gathered in the brunette's arms Reese thought this was a new start. Her life with the other woman had already begun but she had still been holding back because it was all that she knew how to do, it was how she was raised, how she had been forced to grow up but she finally felt safe to let all of that go and start over again.

Holding Bianca's face in her hands, stroking her skin and Reese said in husky tones, "I love how you make me feel."

"Good," said Bianca, smiling and nuzzling Reese, kissing her gently. "Because that's what I want."

"I want to make you feel the same," Reese murmured, shifting the brunette onto her back and kissing her fiercely.

Seconds, minutes, hours, she wasn't sure how much time had passed but it didn't seem like enough, she never had enough time with Bianca. There could never be enough kisses, enough caresses, enough pleasure, and Reese was focused solely on the other woman, taking in her shivers and her shudders, absorbing them into herself and she delighted in the knowledge she was the cause of it all. That she was the one making Bianca feel this way, that she caused the delicious wetness of the brunette's pussy, the sign, the proof of the other woman's passion, sliding against her fingertips as she thrust inside.

Almost fervent in her touch, moving further into Bianca, her thumb brushing over the other woman's clit, her body shifting on top of Bianca's, kissing her with a focused enthusiasm, taking the moans into herself. Once then twice, Bianca came and Reese wasn't satisfied, she wanted more, she wanted to make the brunette feel more, and she moved down, smiling at Bianca's moan and feeling her fingers tangle in her hair. Nudging Bianca's thighs apart, moving in for a slow taste, never slowing down, taking in each tremble and sigh and moan, taking the same pleasure in Bianca's orgasm as she would if it was her own.

Fingers entwined and Reese was tugged upwards, meeting Bianca's lips for a kiss, the blonde laughed as they tumbled together, rolling on the bed, arms around each other, not a space between them. Sex hadn't ever been this fun, this carefree, and Reese was lost in it, lost in the new feelings Bianca brought up in her and she wanted to spend all her free time with the other woman learning them.

That's why she was more than happy to spend the next several hours in bed, discovering everything she could about Bianca. Until it reached the early evening and it was time to call Miranda to read her bedtime story. They chatted with the child over the phone before Reese read the story, hearing details of her slumber party, laughing at the descriptions of Nathan who did have bows put in his hair, then saying a reluctant goodbye to the sleepy girl after the story was read.

Dressing in the outfits they had chosen for one another and complimenting each other's appearance, they drove to 12 Quai du Port and Le Miramar restaurant, ordering their world famous bouillabaisse. Just like with lunch, they ate at a relaxed pace, sharing their food and enjoying a bottle of wine, lingering over their meal with conversation and kisses. When dinner was finished, their travels took them to 3 Rue Sénac-de-Meilhan and Le New Cancan dance club where Reese offered her hand to Bianca with a smile and a hopeful glint in her eyes, asking if she would like to dance. The brunette accepted and as they moved onto the dance floor the music shifted, the melody down tempo, the singer's voice subdued, haunting in its delivery, and they swayed to the music, absorbed in their embrace.

This wasn't anything new, they had danced before, and Reese always loved it. She loved the feeling of being in Bianca's arms and moving with her to the music, forgetting the outside world existed and losing herself in the feel, in the sound, in this perfect moment with the other woman and it was like that again, dancing with Bianca now. Hours passed and they were immersed in the dance, engrossed in one another, and when they drove back to the villa, Bianca was a little tipsy, smiling and laughing, falling into Reese's arms as they made their way back to the bedroom.

Drinking was something of a pastime for Reese and she had seen a variety of reactions to alcohol and Bianca's was perhaps the most pleasant she had ever experienced. The brunette became more effervescent, utterly jovial and forming dreamy smiles, laughing as Reese helped her step out of her high heels, her hands resting on the blonde's shoulders to keep herself from falling over.

"This," Bianca drew the word out, moving from side to side, her fingers sliding into Reese's hair, massaging her scalp and grinning widely when the architect looked up at her. "Has been the best weekend."

"And we still have one more day left," replied Reese with a smile, looking up at Bianca, leaning into the brunette who rested her palm on Reese's cheek, fingers stretching out in a tender caress.

"You have another surprise planned," accused Bianca, blinking at Reese, wearing a knowing smile. She tugged the blonde up until Reese was standing in front of her and pushing the jacket off, she squinted, concentrating on the buttons to Reese's vest as she undid them. "I told you before how I didn't like surprises," Bianca began, speaking in a quiet murmur. "My life hasn't been the easiest and for the longest time, any kind of surprise I got wasn't the type you could be happy about. It was always something that brought sadness." The last button undone, leaving the vest open to reveal Reese's chest, her breasts clad in a transparent lace bra that was Bianca's choosing, she dipped her head. Bianca kissed the line of Reese's jaw, moving down to nip at her neck, smiling at the barely audible moan that Reese released, murmuring against her skin, "You changed all that.This has been the nicest surprise I've had in a long time."

"I'm glad," said Reese in a gasp, arching into Bianca's touch as pale hands slipped down, cupping her rear, lifting her up and into Bianca while she continued her kisses, unsnapping Reese's bra and discarding it on the floor as she moved towards the bed.

Pushing Reese down and removing her pants, tossing them aside, Bianca moved on top of her, breath warm and sweet, and when they kissed, the blonde could taste the wine, rich and thick and utterly intoxicating. Just as intoxicating as Bianca's touch, her hands moving in a slow path across her body and Reese wondered how it was she could give herself up so easily. How she never felt any of that hesitation, any of that anxiety, any of that need to self-protect, that she had with her previous lovers when she was with Bianca. There was never any worries when she was with the other woman sexually, just need and want and overpowering desire, and it was like that now, Bianca's lips full and lush on her own, her hands sliding over her body, moving in a knowing caress, leaving Reese trembling in their wake.

Maybe her loss of control, her easy acceptance, came from the fact that she wasn't pretending anymore. For the first time she was finally herself in a relationship and she wasn't hiding or playing some part and she wasn't afraid that any minute her facade would be revealed. She knew at last someone was seeing her true self and that made it so very easy to let go. Though it was harder to get rid of her fear because as much as she loved being this free she had a constant worry she could lose this, lose Bianca, lose the understanding and the love that other woman gave her and Reese couldn't bear that. Try as she might, that fear wouldn't leave her and she knew she had to lose it in order for their relationship to progress, for their bonds to deepen, but she didn't know how.

She would work at it though, work at erasing that fear, destroying it entirely because Reese wanted to have that life with Bianca and Miranda, she needed to have that life, one filled with happiness and devotion. It was her future, she was sure of it, and she wasn’t going to let anything stand in her way from making it come true. Especially her own fear.


Sunday, much like Saturday, they woke late in the morning, but instead of spending a day wandering about Le Cours Julien, they took the car for a drive down to Les Calanques where they ate at a charming local restaurant. After brunch, they walked hand in hand along the coastline, enjoying the beautiful view and taking in the scenery. Heading back to the car with Reese promising yet another surprise, they arrived at Port Pin, where Reese pulled Bianca into a private washroom, bag in hand, saying they were going for a swim in the ocean between the magnificent white cliffs.

For over an hour they frolicked in the water, swimming and exploring the ocean, kissing and touching, losing themselves in touch and sensation. Climbing out of the water, they lay on the beach, sunning themselves, with Reese leaning back in her beach chair, low to the ground, holding Bianca in her arms. Smoothing the brunette's hair, breathing in the scent of the ocean that clung to the other woman, Reese rested her chin on the top of Bianca's head, smiling softly and looking out at the endless blue water.

After Bianca woke from her nap, they traveled to Cassiss where they took a boat tour of the coastline, enjoying an elegant meal on the deck of the boat, looking out over the ocean. Their tour ended just past two o'clock and they returned to the villa to pack their bags, getting ready for their train ride back to the Paris which was leaving at four.

One last time, they made love, slow and satisfying and taking their time, and like all the previous occasions, it was different, it was special and Reese cried out when she reached orgasm, she clung Bianca and wanted the moment to last forever, wanting it to never end but it had to and they had to leave. They had to go back to Paris and Miranda, where the little girl greeted them at the Gare de Lyon station with a wide smile, talking about everything she had done with Adele and Nathan while they were gone and wanting to know what they did on their trip and if they had fun.

Exchanging fond looks, Bianca scooping Miranda up in her arms, they proceeded to tell her how much they missed her, describing in the most child friendly terms on exactly how much fun they had but sure she was aware that no amount of fun they ever had alone could possibly be better than the time they spent with her. Driving to Bianca's house, the brunette sitting in the back seat with Miranda and Reese at the wheel, she realized how much she missed this.

As wonderful as it had been, spending time with Bianca by themselves, it was even better to return to Miranda who was cheerful and carefree and obviously overjoyed to see them. This kind of love, this kind of acceptance, was new to Reese and she appreciated it so very much, the honesty of Miranda's emotions, how she wasn't afraid to let them know exactly how she felt. It was strange but in a way, Reese thought she could learn a great deal from the child.

This vacation, the time she spent with Bianca, it taught her a lot and Reese felt as if each day she spent with the brunette the more she learned about herself. She was aware it was the idea of losing the happiness she had with Bianca that created her fear and as she observed mother and daughter, seeing the ease of their interaction as Miranda pulled Bianca into her room, wanting to play house. Watching them, witnessing the natural love and the joy they found in one another, Reese realized that as much as she saw a future with them, and desperately wanted that future, she had to start living in the moment just like Miranda.

Beginning right now, smiling and accepting Miranda's invitation to play, taking on her apparent pretend role as the father of the household, putting on the fedora hat the little girl offered her and returning Bianca's smile. This was her present and this was her future and this was what was going to help her leave her past and her fear behind, of this Reese was certain.

To be continued...

fanfic, bianca/reese, amc

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