So.....boooo and yummy!

Mar 14, 2013 23:02

First: Booooooo!!


Do you have any hints about this year’s Castle finale? Will Jack Coleman‘s Bracken be back? - Kristen
ADAM: While executive producer Andrew W. Marlowe doesn’t rule out a return from Sen. Bracken this season, he says that character doesn’t really figure into the finale. Instead, expect an “emotional” season-ender that ( Read more... )

tumblr, tv: castle, jackcolemanfansite, news, link

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Comments 8

sarena2s March 14 2013, 21:08:49 UTC
OH MY. Seriously, that is about all my brain can manage. LOL

damn Italians hahaha always wanting theirs names all over everything...

BTW, thanks for linking to my videoooos XD


dref22 March 14 2013, 22:45:04 UTC
I know you'd understand me and my feelings about Italians...:P

Hehehe this way I'll easily find your videos. :P


raissad March 14 2013, 21:22:01 UTC
Thanks for the pics and links. :) Waiting for Bracken


dref22 March 14 2013, 22:46:43 UTC
You're welcome! :D Oh well, I will bitch and moan and say many things but I know I'll still be happy if he shows up. :P


episodethree March 14 2013, 22:38:35 UTC
If you want a real Heroes resurgence, you may feel inspired by these amazing news:

'Veronica Mars' Reaches $2 Million Kickstarter Goal in a Day -

Well, well.... The pics are fantastic, and drooling and completely ignoring the watermarks! Thanks for posting!

About Castle... yes, boooooo! But, what if they want Sen.Bracken to show up with a "Surprise!" ? Let´s hope for it!

PS. What about The Office? I almost forgot about it. Are new eps on air?


dref22 March 14 2013, 22:43:22 UTC
I was following the VM news! But I am not sure how I feel about it. I believe this will kill Kickstarter for indie movie makers and amateurs. It also kind of angers me that studios are becoming cheap every passing day. XD I am sure they could have spent 2 million on the movie. :P So fans are chipping in so the studio can make a profit? This sounds wrong haha

I felt like I had to share. XD Plain gorgeous!!! :D These pics really melted my heart and made me sigh...

I'm secretly hoping for a surprise but I'm kind of pissed off, not gonna lie. XD I know it's their show but blaaaah...So here's hoping there is a surprise but I'm not holding my breathe. :P

Ohhhh, most shows were on hiatus! The Office will be back this Thursday, after a month long break! I think there are 9 episodes left but there is no word on Senator's appearances...


ricestorm March 15 2013, 17:32:55 UTC
Those pics... That man knows how to use a smile and an open shirt. Not one but two open buttons! He is seducing everyone and knows it.

Will def look into the Heroes resurgence! I hate mentioning Heroes in conversation and getting the topic shut down because people lament how bad it became. I understand that, but it wasn't all bad!


dref22 March 15 2013, 19:07:33 UTC
Those pics... That man knows how to use a smile and an open shirt. Not one but two open buttons! He is seducing everyone and knows it.

THIS. I got nothing to add. Also, wow, I just noticed there are two open buttons...I just love these so much...It always happens like this: I am slowly getting used to his hotness and then BAM, I find new pics and I go "guhhhhh" all over again. A vicious cycle.

LOLOL I know what you mean about the Heroes convos. I can understand people not liking a show as much as they used to (Fringe, I'm looking at you) but I always felt like the media hatred was the main reason why Heroes received that much sh.t. It's kind of painful to read Ausiello, Kristin, EW, E!, etc because it's very obvious they only mention the shows (in a positive way) they get paid for.

I think these Heroes fans are all new and young (omg I am really old) and this makes me happy!


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