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Comments 12

ilikethequiet May 12 2012, 10:33:05 UTC
Is that him in the white shirt?


dref22 May 12 2012, 10:48:06 UTC
I have a feeling that's him!!! If Wendi's the one who's taking this pic..hmmm.... *makes awesome calculations*


elizzybright May 12 2012, 15:45:37 UTC
LOL!Yeah!! I have been listening cuban music for an hour just now (local festivites, I was waitress in a place next to the stage, as usual every year ;)) and now I can feel I can dance again even if my feet hurt!XD
Yeah, let's celebrate!!!

... )


dref22 May 12 2012, 15:59:03 UTC
Ohhh that sounds fun and awesome!!! But I bet being a waitress in that event must be tiring! Was it crowded?

- I'm pretty sure he's the guy with the white/light blue shirt! :D I se that there are only two males in that pic! :D
- Hehe, but I think this is a bit different than your average medical drama. It's totally not like ER or anything. :P
- YES! But we weren't really sure, because it sounded like he was personally invited, separate from a TV show or something. I should have guessed though, Rachel Bilson, who is in Hart of Dixie got invited too also, I was very sure they would cancel that show, but they didn't! But also, why would they celebrate it now if he knew it already? :P
- I DIDN'T NOTICE THEM! :D I eat them everyday omnomnom.


elizzybright May 12 2012, 16:41:15 UTC
Oh, my good dear, my legs hurt!!but it's for charity, it's a nice party (if you take it that way), and I am not paid for it, so I can choose when I go and I go out ;) I was next to the bar, where I took this pic!

... )


dref22 May 12 2012, 17:17:40 UTC
Ohhh, if this show is more like Scrubs, then this is even better. :P Did you watch it? But in the end, I know I just won't care as long as it gets good ratings. :P

Hey, he has his own movie now, I wonder when he'll work on that. :P Ugh, I know what you mean, I can't understand why he isn't cast in any of the recent movies. It's a shame, but he explained the reasons why before Heroes. :P Let's hope one day a smart producer will show up and cast him in a movie. :P Whenever I watch a flick, I can not help but think: "Ugh, he could have been in this one."

Yay olives! They are a huge part of a Turkish breakfast, it's like you can't even think of a traditional breakfast without them!

Hehehe, this is awesome. But I bet this person is a fan. I just couldn't help but commented on it btw. :P

Btw it looks very crowded! I guess the weather was perfect too!


sarena2s May 12 2012, 18:58:18 UTC


I'm pretty sure the one in the light shirt with long sleeves is him too. ;)


dref22 May 12 2012, 21:21:32 UTC

YESSSSS. I think we all reached a consensus about who Jack is in that pic LOL!


raissad May 13 2012, 01:30:25 UTC
Great news. :)


dref22 May 13 2012, 16:37:19 UTC
I can't wait to see him on a regular basis again. XD I'm very happy that he's very happy about this! :D


episodethree May 13 2012, 10:43:38 UTC
LOL! No broken pinky in sight, that would be the definite clue. ;)

I'm glad that they shared their celebration with us, even in this odd but original way. :)

I thought olives were only popular in mediterranean countries. I´m glad I was wrong, and ashamed of being so ignorant. XD. They are so delicious! I don´t eat them daily but I wouldn´t mind doing it. (Always for lunch, not breakfast. ;) )


dref22 May 13 2012, 16:33:50 UTC
Yes, I was thinking the same thing. :P

Ugh I feel like I should have been on Twitter at the time she posted that pic. Perhaps I could have begged her to post one more. :P I loooove that she shared this with us though. I'm very happy that he's happy. :D


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