Who Needs Husbands Anyway? (Ellen/Chyler)

Jan 27, 2010 09:25

Title: Who Needs Husbands Anyway? (1/1)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ellen Pompeo/Chyler Leigh
Disclaimer: I definitely do not own anything.
Summary: Ellen doesn't feel like going home to Chris.

Chyler and Eric are the ones who are filming the last scene of the shooting day, a scene about wrecking balls and putting Mark back together but Eric keeps saying something that keeps making Chyler laugh and the scene is taking much longer than it normally should. Ellen stands off to the side, watching and waiting for Chyler, not wanting to go home to Chris right now. She knows that Nathan is also out of town for the next couple of days on a small venue tour with his band and Ellen is hoping that Chyler will maybe want to hang out for a little bit.

The whole day, she’s been pissed off - reading websites and tabloids about Katie and how suddenly, she is the center of attention and the last time Ellen checked, the show was called Grey’s Anatomy, not Izzie’s Hour. Ellen is secretly pleased that the writers have given Katie cancer.

“Print it!” The director finally calls out once the scene is finished and deemed acceptable and Eric is grinning and Chyler is still laughing and if Ellen personally didn’t know Nathan and Rebecca, she would have thought that Eric and Chyler are flirting with one another instead of just joking around like they always do. Their off-screen friendship is part of the reason the writers pushed them together on the show in the first place.

“Hey,” Ellen says, approaching the two and Chyler smiles at her brightly.

“Hey!” She is so much like Lexie, it sometimes scares Ellen. Sometimes, Chyler hardly ever has to act. “The baby keeps kicking.” And then she takes Ellen’s hand and places it on her growing abdomen that the costume department is doing their best to hide behind loose tops and filming her from the chest up.

“That’s amazing,” Ellen smiles and it really is. She can’t wait until her own baby is large enough inside of her where she can feel it like that. “What are you two up to now?”

“I gotta get home,” Eric answers, his hand dropping from Chyler’s stomach. Rebecca and him keep trying to get pregnant but so far, no luck. He hope it happens soon though. “Rebecca’s ovulating,” he then adds with a roll of his eyes. He hates being on a sex schedule like this.

“Have fun,” Chyler smiles at him sweetly, teasingly, and then laughs as he narrows his eyes at her in a mock glare.

After he bids them goodnight and walks away, Ellen then turns towards Chyler.

“What about you?” She asks. “Do you have to go get Noah and Taelyn?”

“They’re with Nate’s mom for the night so I’m all by myself until tomorrow,” she says, wording it in such a way to let Ellen know that she understands what Ellen really wants.

Ellen follows Chyler to her trailer, both smiling and bidding goodnight to the few crew members still on set as they pass, and Ellen’s body temperature is rising with every step, her fingers itching at her sides to just reach out and touch Chyler who is walking ahead of her. As if feeling that she is being stared at, Chyler looks over her shoulder and gives Ellen a smile before opening the door to her trailer and Ellen follows, trying her hardest to not appear too eager though in all honesty, she has been wanting this all day and her body is so tight with anticipation, it almost aches.

And the instant the door is shut firmly behind them, Ellen doesn’t waste any time. They’ve done this before - many times before actually - and there is no prerequisite needed. When one of them needs it, they do this without argument from the other and Chyler definitely doesn’t argue as Ellen slides a hand onto her cheek and kisses her softly on the lips.

“Nathan’s out of town,” Chyler sighs against her lips and Ellen understands because she’s pregnant too and these hormones are making her want sex all of the time.

“I think Chris is cheating on me,” Ellen then confesses as she leans in for another kiss.

“Oh, Ellen,” Chyler says sadly and the last thing Ellen wants is sympathy so she kisses the younger woman just a little bit harder, her tongue swiping at her lips and Chyler moans softly as she feels Ellen’s tongue slowly, sensually, beginning to tangle with hers.

She reaches up and undoes the knot Chyler’s hair is in so she can feel her dark thick tresses through her fingers. She loves gripping it and she knows Chyler loves that too. Their mouths remain connected as Ellen steps forward, pushing Chyler backwards until she is sitting down on the bench seat at the table in the small kitchenette area. Chyler takes off her own jacket and shirt while Ellen makes fast work of her jeans and panties, sliding them both off her legs and tossing them somewhere across the trailer.

As she kneels in front of Chyler, her hands warm on the inside of her thighs, spreading her open, Chyler’s eyes close and she is panting now, her mouth hanging slightly open in a moan.

The first time they did this together, she was so terrified but she went through with it because this is Ellen and really, the show and its success rests on Ellen’s shoulders and her happiness. So Ellen wanting to fuck Chyler with her fingers in the makeup trailer? Chyler wasn’t going to tell her “no”. She has been on too many failed TV shows and she wanted this one to last so she would do what she had to for herself and family.

But then, she realized that she liked it. She liked Ellen’s kisses and fingers and mouth and after that, these occurrences in one another’s trailers happened more and more often. She keeps meaning to talk to Nathan about it actually because not only is he her husband but he is also one of her closest friends and Ellen definitely seems like she would be the type to be interested in a threesome.

“Oh!” She gasps on a high-pitched catch of breath when she suddenly feels Ellen fasten her lips around her clit.

Her fingers tangle in Ellen’s hair, keeping her close, and Ellen looks up at her as she keeps her lips on her. When she slips one finger and then two and then, because her fingers are thin enough, she fits three, Chyler lifts her hips, pressing herself against her hand and Ellen thinks she looks so damn beautiful like this - flushed and naked and panting and pregnant, moving her hips back and forth, practically fucking herself on Ellen’s hand as Ellen licks and sucks and tongues at her clit.

Chyler isn’t sure if she asks for it or not, she can’t possibly think clearly right now, but Ellen knows what she wants and she speeds things up, twisting her fingers inside, rubbing her slick inside walls and hitting that spot… right there…

“Yes!” Chyler cries out, bringing her hips down harder on her fingers and Ellen nips teasingly at her clit with her teeth, making Chyler thrust her hips up so quickly to her face, she almost knocks Ellen back.

Ellen concentrates harder, listening to Chyler moaning and almost cumming, and she changes the speed and thrusts of her fingers again and this time, when she hits that spot once more, Chyler tenses and flexes and then is cumming, her body shaking with orgasm and Ellen keeps her lips around her clit and her fingers inside of her, guiding her through it.

Chyler’s body slowly recovers and when she manages to open her eyes again, she sees Ellen still kneeling in front of her, her chin glistening ever so slightly with her juices, and her hands are rubbing soothing patterns on Chyler’s still quivering thighs.

Chyler leans forward, gently combing her fingers through Ellen’s hair. “You should have gone first. With everything that’s going on with Chris… you need this more right now,” she says softly and it amazes Ellen just how much like Lexie Grey Chyler really is because on the show, Lexie Grey would definitely apologize for having an orgasm before someone she thought needed it.

Ellen shakes her head though, pushing herself up on her knees, bringing her lips so much closer to Chyler’s. “Who needs a husband anyway?” She breathes before bringing Chyler in for another kiss.

chyler leigh, show: greys anatomy, ellen pompeo

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