Title: Broken Hearts and Healing Wounds
Part 4
Author: rahram
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Word Count: 1,005
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: This disclaimer should be disclaimed.
Warnings: Incest.
Notes: Awhile back I read a question about the brothers and how they never really deal with their love for one another, so the idea got buried in my mind and I've slowly (very slowly) been writing this.
Summary: After Sam has told Dean how he feels about him, he disappears, leaving Dean to come to terms about the love his brother harbors for him.
More of my fic can be found
Here ||
Part 1||
Part 2 ||
Part 3 || Part 4 ||
Part 5 ||
Dean’s in a small town in Maine doing a hunt for his father. He’d been there for a couple days but couldn’t really concentrate on what he was supposed to be doing. He’s thoughts being on his brother, he now knew Sam was at least safe at the moment.
Four days ago, he had got a call from Wayne telling him that he mailed the letter he left for his brother. Dean had asked where he mailed it to, and he had told him it was somewhere in Idaho. He couldn’t give him the exact address because he just wrote it on the envelope and mailed it out the next day. Wayne had then apologized for not being able to help more and wished him luck at finding his brother.
As the sun begins to set, Dean grabs his bag that holds his weapons and walks towards the door. As his hand reaches the door knob his phone rings. Because the ring tone is the default, Dean quickly drops the bag and digs his phone from his pockets, hoping its Sam.
“Sammy?” he answers.
“No, Dean…” his father’s voice says in his ear. “Boy, you need to stop worrying about him. I have people looking for him, and you’re just going to get yourself killed.”
“Yeah, I know Dad.” Dean sighs into the phone, “Listen, I’m going out now, I’ll call you later.” Dean hangs up the phone without waiting for a response. He picks his bag back up and heads to his car, where he opens the trunk, pulls more weapons he might need out, before stashing the bag. He slips into the driver’s seat and takes off down the road.
Sam stares at the letter and then the phone that taunts him on the night stand. He picks up the phone and hits speed dial 2 before he can talk himself out of it. He listens to the ringing and just when he’s about to hang up he hears a click and then his brother’s voice.
“Jesus Dad, I told you I would call you later.” He growls into the phone.
“Dean?” Sam whispers.
“Oh God, Sammy.” Dean breathes out before Sam hears the screeching of breaks on asphalt. “Sammy, where are you?” Dean questions.
“I’m safe, Dean. You don’t need to look for me.”
“Dammit Sam. You’re my damn brother, tell me where you are.” Dean pauses to see if his brother’s going to answer before continuing on. “Please Sammy, I need you. I’m sorry for what ever I did to make you leave. Just let me come see you. I promise I won’t make you leave.”
“Dean.” Sam cries into the phone. “I’m not mad at you, stop apologizing.” Dean hears him try to control the sobs and waits, allowing his brother an outlet for his emotions. “You don’t even know why I left.” Sam suddenly whispers before hanging up. Sam crawls under the covers, curls in on himself, hugging a pillow, and cries himself to sleep.
The next morning, Sam hears knocking coming from the door, and flinches scared that it might be his brother. He waits in his bed, and the knocking comes to a stop, but Sam hears the tumblers in the lock click, and the door opening. He glances up as he hears Rose call out to him. “In here.” He says wiping at his eyes.
“Morning Sam, you didn’t come down for breakfast, and I know you don’t miss any meal. I was just worried about you.” She says with barely a smile, her eyes still filled with fear.
“I’m fine, just didn’t really sleep last night. I’m sorry for scaring you Miss Rose.” He replies.
“It’s okay, but you better come down soon before the food gets cold.” Sam watched as the woman turned and left the apartment.
He proceeded to stand and grab some clothes before heading towards the bathroom. He stepped into the shower and forced himself to forget about Dean for the time being; Miss Rose had cooked him breakfast, and was worried about him; he didn’t need to worry her more.
After stepping out of the shower, he towels himself dry and as he’s slipping his boxers on, his phone begins to ring. Forgoing the rest of his clothing he runs to his bedroom and looks at the display. He proceeds to frown not recognizing the number, but answers it regardless. “Hello?”
“Can I ask whom I am speaking with?” a feminine voice asks.
“Sam McClain. May I ask why you have called me?”
“We have a patient here at Saint Mary’s, he’s unresponsive, and the only thing he has with him is a cell phone. A cell phone that was damaged and we can only get access to his last incoming call…”
“Dean…” Sam whispers, stomach dropping, and worry seeping onto his face.
“Yes, his ID says Dean McCune. Do you know him?” the woman asks.
“Yeah… he’s uh… my cousin.” Sam stammers out.
“Can you come in? We like to have family present in cases like this.”
“Cases like what?” he asks, truthfully not wanting to know.
“I’m sorry I can’t discuss that over the phone, I shouldn’t’ve even gave out the patients name.”
“I can’t come, but I can call his father.” Sam said regretting already having to call his father.
“Will he need directions?” she asks him.
“No, I’m sure his old man knows where he was at.” Sam replies, thinking to himself that John was probably the one that sent him on the hunt.
“Well then,” she begins, “Thank you for your time.” With a quick goodbye, the line goes dead, and Sam slowly calls his father.
After the phone ringing a few times, the call goes to voice mail. At least something was going nice for Sam. “Dad, its Sam. Dean’s hurt they would like someone there with him. He’s at Saint Mary’s Hospital. I’m guessing you know the county and state.” With that Sam closes his phone and heads to his adopted grandmother’s house.