Author!Anon End + more

Nov 30, 2009 22:18

Title: Author!Anon
Author(s): my bunny co-worker and me; edits done by me ( Read more... )

england, fic, america, canada, hetalia

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Comments 58

hetalia17 December 1 2009, 05:30:55 UTC
Damn it, I was SO off. D: Oh well. Best of luck to Matthew and Ukraine! <3

But seriously, this epilogue of sorts was made of WIN, guys. Serious WIN.

And...Alfred in a maid's outfit?!?!?! PICTURES. PLEASE. :D

By the way, do you think you could maybe send me the links to the other stories you mentioned in here that I have not seen yet? Haunting You is definitely a favorite, and I've read that one at least three times over. So...yeah! Pretty please with Arthur on his waiter!outfit? :3


leaper182 December 1 2009, 08:24:16 UTC
When I saw your comment, I had this overwhelming urge to say: PICTURES, OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

But I don't have to now, because you requested them first. :D


hetalia17 December 1 2009, 14:27:46 UTC
Hahaha~ Well, SOMEONE had to request them!

But at least now we have a second on pictures. xD


dreamslikeglass December 1 2009, 18:40:25 UTC
I deny the existence of any and all pictures. :P


violetzewriter December 1 2009, 06:21:38 UTC
Thanksgiving was insane, wasn't it? Fun, but insane. What a way to introduce Katyusha to the family. I probably should've given you a two or three minute warning just to prepare yourself. Can't deny the food was good, though. You really pulled out all the stops.

If it makes you feel any better, Netherlands and I are very good friends, and as a result Belgium and I are fairly close as well. She does make delicious waffles.

Oh dear, Father knew my journal all along? And here I thought I was on top of things. Damn spies. He could've told me sooner, I would've made an effort to tidy it up. And get rid of some of the fics there.

Well, having that secret was fun but I'm glad everything is mostly out in the open now.

Well, er, thanks for the great time on Thanksgiving. I didn't really get a chance to say it back then, but you doing all that and inviting me over was really nice. I'm such a sap.


D: The hell? How did Belarus get to the party?? I thought I took care of her! bittergreentea December 1 2009, 08:46:51 UTC
I might as well let it out now that everything's over and all - Mattie and I made a deal under the table where I promised to get rid of Belarus by sending her to Antartica...or the Great Salt Pans in Africa for the payment of a crate of syrup. This agreement was made after I made my bet on Ukraine so I didn't cheat! (Btw, what did I win from the betting pool? :D)

Anyway, going through the tedious process of hiring a team of fangirls, laying out the plan and setting up all the traps, we were very certain that we managed to catch Belarus. I mean, we managed to wrap *someone* in a burlap sack before stuffing *this person* into the shipping crate.


Oh shit. I really hope I hadn't just shipped some other nation to Antartica. That or Belarus has some really freaky teleportation power man D:


Re: D: The hell? How did Belarus get to the party?? I thought I took care of her! dreamslikeglass December 1 2009, 18:43:49 UTC
Well, wathisface, oh Iceland was missing from the last meeting. Or was it Norway. One of the Nordics. There's six of em, right? Uh, not sure, all of 'em look the same.

Shut up about my geography skills.


Re: D: The hell? How did Belarus get to the party?? I thought I took care of her! bittergreentea December 1 2009, 21:46:55 UTC
I hope I didn't manage to nab Finland by accident. I mean, I fear his sniping abilities...and Sweden. There's also the fact that I would very much like to not have a lump of coal for Christmas. >.>

If it *was* Belarus, maybe she hulk-smashed her way out of the crate. Note to self, make sure to reinforce any nation-containing boxes with steel. That oughta slow anyone down.


lady_bird_girl December 1 2009, 07:17:57 UTC
great as always ^^ cant wait to read your Secret Santa gift lol.
I always thought Canada/Ukraine was really cute too :D
good job Mattie!


dreamslikeglass December 1 2009, 18:49:29 UTC
It's going to be awesome! Christmas is always fucking awesome tho. Free gifts = win!


leaper182 December 1 2009, 08:21:22 UTC
There was more! Ha ha HA!

And heee, Canada/Ukraine. To be honest, I wouldn't have thought of it. She's really sweet, Matthew. I'm sure you two will be happy together.

It's strange to wander into a fandom where the pairings can be mix-'n'match, and you can just enjoy. I mean, I couldn't see France/Canada until I found a story by elapsedspiral that was written really well. It's also US/UK, so take a gander at the series if you're of a mind. *^^*

A lovely story, and yay, sexytiems. :D


dreamslikeglass December 1 2009, 18:51:56 UTC
Oh the "Mechanicals"? 'Course "Blackpool" is also fucking awesome! One of my favs, not gonna lie.


leaper182 December 1 2009, 21:47:28 UTC
Eeeeeeee, yes, I love those. :D

I actually ended up reading "Dating Advice" first, which completely sucked me in because, well, I have a secret soft spot for fics that where you and Arthur end up having to deal with the American Revolution in some form or fashion. Because there was a lot of bad feelings there, and I end up wondering how in the world you two were able to get past those and get to a point where you think of each other not just as romantic prospects, but the kind of romantic prospect where you can't imagine being with anyone else.

I am very much a sucker for happy endings, but "Dating Advice" had plotty bits and PAINTBALL and HOT FUZZ REFERENCES. Why, yes, elapsedspiral owns a very large piece of my soul.


ithronluin December 1 2009, 08:51:47 UTC omg. *slaps self*

wow, that just kills my brain (in a good way), reading everything in one shot. i'm actually going gibberish at the moment. lol

i definitely did NOT see that coming, canada/ukraine.

YES YES YES go Arthur! pwn Alfred plz kthxbai *_*;

*goes rereading and suffers another brain meltdown*


dreamslikeglass December 1 2009, 18:53:44 UTC
What? Like the old man could pwn me. He doesn't even know the meaning of PWN! :P

lol, more brain meltage! I so fucking win. *sings* And another one bites the dust~!


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