Title: Between Fandom: Song of the Lioness (by Tamora Pierce) Pairing: Thayet + Jonathan, Thayet/Buri Word Count: 154 Summary: Even before Thayet talked to Alanna about Jonathan, there was someone she needed to talk to.
Awwww, these two. *sniffles* Poor Buri, bearing the brunt for them both. You will be writing a sequel where Thayet realizes her error, right? *puppy dog eyes* Right? :D
I recently re-read all of SoTL and The Immortals and I'm still fuzzy on the details. *g* There sure are a helluva a lot of characters in the Tortall world; I can hardly keep up. I haven't even read the ones with Kel in them, even though I keep meaning to check them out at the library.
Comments 4
And yay for moods!
Ah... what would I ever do without the library? ^.~
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