Icons including Robin Hood, Merlin, Anne of Green Gables

Jun 26, 2009 23:07

During my time off I have been tinkering away on things when I have been able. Here are most of the icons at least. Wallpapers to follow :-)

001 ~ 050 Robin Hood ( Marian, Meg and Guy themes various)
051 ~ 057 Merlin
058 ~ 086 Anne of Green Gables
087 ~ 092 Jane Austen Various
093 ~ 095 Jane Eyre & North and South
096 ~ 100 Marie Antoinette
101 ~ 103 ( Read more... )

*theme: dracula, *theme: arthur, *theme: merlin, *theme: morgana, *theme: marian, *theme: guy & meg, *theme: north & south, *theme: guy of gisborne, *theme: elizabeth bennet, *theme: drew barrymore, *theme: jane austen, *theme: richard armitage, *theme: becoming jane, *theme: anne of green gables, *theme: jane eyre, }graphics: icons, *theme: guy & marian, *theme: robin hood, *theme: tristan & isolde

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Comments 102

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kf_creations June 29 2009, 10:05:13 UTC
Thanks Heather *flowers* you are just too sweet to me LOL. That piccie was one of her with robin, wearing a different coloured dress.....


spikesbint June 26 2009, 22:29:33 UTC
Really lovely and you make me want to watch Anne of Green Gables some time. I shall have to look for it :D

I love all the Guy ones and the Guy/Meg and Marian ones too. What's not to like about the whole post ;) lol.


kf_creations June 29 2009, 10:07:22 UTC
LOl, you really must if you can get hold of it. I was lucky to find the complete set on cd dvd's in Poland, and at the time they were the equivalent of £10, so I jumped in the chance, you know me lol. Glad you like the GM and GM ones lmao. you are as bad as heather at being too nice LOL *hugs*


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kf_creations June 29 2009, 10:07:38 UTC
Thank you :-) *flowers*


elysium_22 June 26 2009, 22:56:19 UTC
Very lovely! You have such a beautiful style in your work! My favourites from this set are the ones from Anne of Avonlea.


kf_creations June 29 2009, 10:08:09 UTC
Thank you ever so much. And I am delighted you like those so much :-)


ordinary_mum June 26 2009, 22:57:19 UTC
OMG - too divine for words. You know how I feel about any of your RA stuff, but that Anne of Green Gables selection is just beautiful, I love that soft dreamy colouring.

Awesome cropping too.


kf_creations June 29 2009, 10:08:50 UTC
Cheers, thank you *flowers* :-)


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