North and South Wallpapers

Feb 19, 2009 21:02

Two new North and South Wallpapers under the cut.

I wanted a break from icon making for the moment ;-), although the 100 icons are nearly complete.

I have seen hell............ )

}graphics: wallpapers, *theme: north & south, *theme: richard armitage

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Comments 69

queensjoy February 19 2009, 21:16:23 UTC


kf_creations February 19 2009, 21:22:35 UTC
Thank you :-)


elysium_22 February 19 2009, 21:35:21 UTC
Absolutely gorgeous!!! Amazing work! ♥ ♥


kf_creations February 19 2009, 21:53:45 UTC
Thanks :-)


raynedanser February 19 2009, 21:43:06 UTC
ooooh Those are both luffly!!

What font did you use for your watermark on the second one? It's terrific!


kf_creations February 19 2009, 21:55:33 UTC
Thanks :-)

It is baker script I believe, available from ~HERE~


raynedanser February 19 2009, 21:58:41 UTC
Thank you! I'll have to see if i can find something similar. I'm not paying almost $30 for a font, even if it is pretty. ;-)


olde_fashioned February 19 2009, 22:10:36 UTC
LOL, that's exactly what I just said. ;-P

There are a lot of nice script/handwriting fonts out there, I just happen to always need another, lol. If you'd like a few font names I'd be happy to share them with you. :-)


olde_fashioned February 19 2009, 21:54:33 UTC
GAH!!!!! The second one!! *faints* GORGEOUS, absolutely gorgeous. I love that light texture, it looks like sparks flying. ;-D (and what are you using, stock, for the windows and landscape?) Very unique look!

What is the font that you used on the second, may I ask? :-)


kf_creations February 19 2009, 21:56:52 UTC
lol baker script too missy!!!!!

And awww thanks. I found some piccies on photobucket, and thought they would make great back drops at some point.


olde_fashioned February 19 2009, 22:09:04 UTC
Thank you for the link, but thirty bucks for one font is a tad bit much for my budget!! ;-P

Aha! And they did, because I really love the effect. :-D (are you planning to put either of these WPs on dA, btw?)


kf_creations February 19 2009, 22:16:08 UTC
Thanks :-) I would like to, but as they are not from 'stock' images as such I wasn't sure about doing so.

If I can find different images for the next ones, then I am sure i will lol.

I know what you mean about the font though, I posted a few options to the post above ....


spikesbint February 19 2009, 21:58:03 UTC
Lol I keep pushing about those icons ;) but these are gorgeous, I especially love the sepia one :D


kf_creations February 19 2009, 21:59:34 UTC
lol thanks :D

the icons are coming, i have a few things for other people i need to do first, and what with life and LG's life of late - it has been hectic, as you would know lol

*you so confused me with that icon BTW lmao*


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