A new film, a new wallpaper The Dark Knight Rises

Jul 24, 2012 11:40

Made this 2 days ago as I was really in need of a new wallpaper and I cannot wait to see this film when it is out in the UK!

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*theme: the dark knight rises, *theme: batman, }graphics: wallpapers

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Comments 7

grendel_mother July 24 2012, 11:10:47 UTC
Haven't seen you on here for ages! Love the wallpaper!


kf_creations July 24 2012, 13:39:49 UTC
Unless I have a new creation to share I don't tend to come on here much, just too much to do elsewhere ;-) I really must set some fan art time into life and enjoy that time, rather than just going blahhhhh when I have finished for the day. Thanks for commenting :-)


grendel_mother July 25 2012, 00:00:45 UTC
I can suggest a couple of challenges for you - I'm always desperate for entries over at Art_stills and now I'm running C19 Challenges while HeathRA is busy!


imajrim July 24 2012, 13:12:32 UTC
Hey, great to hear from you! :D How are you?

I have to admit I'm not much of a fan of the whole Dark Knight saga, having dozed off during the first film, but I love the design of the wallpaper. Maybe I should give the films another chance.


kf_creations July 24 2012, 13:32:58 UTC
why hello :-) Longtime no speak. I am well, and happy, and busy (doing more artwork than graphics at the moment!) will have to drop you a link to my web page. are you on Face book? PM coming your way....

LOL I think you either like the films or loath them. took a while for me to get over the female actress being swapped out in no 2, but as this is the third, I am looking forward to seeing the closure. I love visually dramatic films, and looking forward to seeing what Anne Hathaway will do out of regency dress!


olde_fashioned July 25 2012, 02:33:48 UTC
KF!!!!! When was the last time we've talked?! I've missed our chats. ♥ And your graphics! This is as lovely as ever, and you always were fab at blending images. (I did not realize you were a big Batman fan!)


visionsbeyond July 26 2012, 04:23:22 UTC
OMG KF!!!!!! It's been ages!!!!!!!!! So thrilled to see you posting again!!!!!!!! YAY! :D
That wallpaper is afshdgasdjasdbhjkandkadnkadn. The movie still isn't out in the UK? :-o


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