Austen20in20 Round#5 - Miss Austen Regrets

Jul 26, 2010 11:42

My first 20in20  - it had to happen at some point ;-P
These are made for austen20in20 from Miss Austen Regrets


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}graphics: icons20in20, *theme: miss austen regrets, }graphics: icons, *theme: jane austen

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Comments 39

tinebrella August 2 2010, 19:11:46 UTC
Lovely icons! Nice crops, and very beautiful coloring, I love it!
My favs are: Betrayal, One Word, Four and Five (locations), 25, 28 and 29! ♥


birdienl August 11 2010, 19:56:57 UTC
Hi! Just wanted to let you know I've nominated some of your icons over at costume_awards


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