Austen20in20 Round#5 - Miss Austen Regrets

Jul 26, 2010 11:42

My first 20in20  - it had to happen at some point ;-P
These are made for austen20in20 from Miss Austen Regrets


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}graphics: icons20in20, *theme: miss austen regrets, }graphics: icons, *theme: jane austen

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Comments 39

olde_fashioned July 26 2010, 21:36:05 UTC

MAR, yay! You know how I love this movie, and you did a glorious job capturing the beauty of this. :-D

Blue, Texture, Unaware, Two, Three (so dreamy and breathey!), AC #3, and #s. 26-30 are my very faves! Such beautiful coloring!


kf_creations July 28 2010, 09:32:44 UTC
LOL, yes I know you do :-), and thanks for thinking so *hugs*

Glad you like the textured ones :-) and the colouring of the last set :-) I would never have thought I could get enough images for that topic though - it was tough going *screws face up*


olde_fashioned August 1 2010, 07:34:16 UTC
LOL! *hugs back*

Guh, I usually end up having to slow myself down on a topic...I can get very carried away, not that anyone would know from the size of most my batches, HAH! ;-P


theotherayn July 27 2010, 01:55:16 UTC
gorgeous! i especially love blue and category icons one and two--they're almost like paintings, so evocative :)


kf_creations July 28 2010, 09:33:12 UTC
Thank you for saying so *hugs*


grendel_mother July 27 2010, 06:15:40 UTC
Fantastic as usual - silence and texture really stand out for me (and #24, 25)- all gorgeous really!


kf_creations July 28 2010, 09:33:38 UTC
Thank you *hugs*


keepthebullet July 27 2010, 13:11:36 UTC
Beautiful. :)


kf_creations July 28 2010, 09:34:03 UTC
Thank you :-)


breathingbooks July 27 2010, 14:39:04 UTC
Lovely! Blue is now my default.


kf_creations July 28 2010, 09:34:33 UTC
Awww - thank you *hugs*


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