Fic: We Run the Night (Part 6/?)

Jan 25, 2012 18:21

Title: We Run the Night
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2000 (this part)

Summary: In which Blaine and Kurt are members of rival dance crews. Sparks fly when they watch each other perform at the biggest dance event of the year.

A/N: Hmmmhmmmm Christmas feelings all through this chapter. Funny, I plotted this out BEFORE Christmas. Mmm and thanks to Brittany for her ever magical beta-ing <3 :*:*

Songs used are The Fear You Won't Fall, Joshua Radin, All I Want for Chrismas Is You, Mariah Carey and Let it Snow!

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5


“Kurt,” Bernard said happily, placing a hand on the stunned boy’s shoulder, “meet Blaine Anderson. Blaine, this is Kurt Hummel.”


It had been two years.

In that time Kurt had become less of a person and more of a fantastical production of his overworked subconscious. Blaine had always had an intricate penchant for beautiful things, always spending hours wrapping presents and cultivating his home made cards. It was the reason he kept his room tidy, his hair gelled.

It was the reason he loved dancing.

But now seeing him right in front of him, the more human aspects of him as opposed to the dream like creature that had possessed his mind and consumed his fantasies was just surreal. Even when he had met him he had always been moving, an endless supply of grace, whether it was singing or dancing or touching…

But now he stood still. His cheeks were flushed with the wind, his chest rose and fell with exertion, his lips parted in shock, wet as he worried his teeth and tongue over them as what Blaine presumed to be a nervous tick. Or at least, he looked nervous. Blaine knew from his own self that his heart was racing.

He had to pinch himself to remind him that he wasn’t dreaming.

But even in the flesh, standing still with his breeze blown hair and wide, shocked eyes; he was still beautiful.

Blaine felt his own lips part, perhaps to utter words of greeting, but they stopped in his throat. He didn’t know what to say and Kurt looked like he was having a similar problem.

Behind him, Blaine heard Bernard clear his throat and grateful for the distraction, Blaine snapped his head back to face him. Bernard is wearing a bemused expression and his warm brown eyes flickered to Kathleen who was wearing a similar expression.

“Kitty and I are just going to step outside,” Bernard said loudly and conspicuously. Kathleen rolled her eyes but rose to her feet gracefully.

“Just for a moment,” she said with light irritation. Blaine felt a desperate plea whining in the pit of his throat but he kept it down, along with the sea of nerves that threatened to overflow.

As the door clicked gently shut Blaine turned back toward Kurt who was eyeing him expectantly.

“I didn’t know you worked here,” Blaine blurted out, immediately cursing his lack of eloquence.

Kurt quirked an eyebrow.

“Clearly,” he said dryly.

“I was just here with a friend,” Blaine explained. “We were watching the parade and I was dancing-” Kurt smirked but Blaine pushed passed his embarrassment, “and Bernard saw and they invited me here and offered me a job and I’m kind of confused.”

Kurt’s tense stance eased up a bit and he offered Blaine a small smile.

“I got the job only a little while ago,” Kurt explained. “I was trying to get some extra money to help pay college tuition.”

That’s right, Blaine registered, he’s at NYADA now. Couldn’t be cheap…

“Right…” Blaine nodded, scrambling his own brain for something more to say. But before he could think of anything the door flew open without warning and Kathleen was striding purposely back in.

“So, Blaine,” she said dutifully, “you are to report here at 9:00AM sharp tomorrow.”

“If you want the job, of course,” a sheepish Bernard added behind her. Kathleen didn’t challenge him, simply raising an expectant eyebrow at Blaine.

Blaine glanced over at Kurt who was staring studiously at the wooden floors, the fluorescent lights catching the light of his eyes in such a stunning way that Blaine’s heart flipped in his chest.

“I’ll be there,” he confirmed.


Getting up early the next morning as a challenge. Mind turning with the prior night’s events, Blaine had been unable to sleep, tossing and turning restlessly until finally crashing into a (thankfully) dreamless sleep before sunrise.

Seth drove him to work and they drank bad coffee from the gas station and sang along to an artist that Seth claimed was changing the nation one soul searching teenager at a time. Blaine nodded approvingly, adding the occasional lyric in when he knew it. His musical knowledge didn’t really extend past Top 40 and old rock; the records his grandfather had passed down to him. But occasionally he’d hear a song in one of his dance classes and a lyric or two would replay in his mind for days until he sought it out.

“I like this song,” Blaine said, closing his eyes and leaning back against the headrest, absorbing the lyrics, strong under Seth’s melodic tenor.

Part of the beauty of falling in love with you is the fear you won’t fall…

“I like this song, too,” Seth agreed quietly as the last notes rang out.

When they finally arrived at the park it was bordering 9:00 so he scurried his way quickly across the grounds to the warehouse that he had been directed to as their rehearsal and meeting space.

But blocking his entry was the unwelcoming image of Kurt, pressed up against the door as a large brunette ravished his mouth. The sight made Blaine’s stomach turn and the involuntary gasp that left his mouth was enough to make the two boys spring apart in shock.

“Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed, startled, an embarrassed blush rising high on his cheeks.

“Err… sorry,” the other boy muttered, giving Kurt a short wave before stumbling off towards the exit.

Utterly mortified, Blaine refused to meet Kurt’s eye, muttering a weak, “Excuse me” before pushing through to the warehouse.


That day he pushed himself hard, throwing himself into the choreography with other enthusiasm. Kathleen was thrilled at his progress and ability to memorise the steps quicker than most of his other colleagues.

Kurt avoided him for the most part, except when they had to come together to learn their routine. Thankfully they both knew the song and just had to concentrate on the choreography.

But as long as you love me so…

But Kurt’s voice made it a little difficult to focus on anything else. He sounded even better than Blaine remembered…


When their break finally arrived Blaine found him sitting in a small cut off area, munching on apple pieces delicately. Blaine sat beside him, unable to stay away any longer.

“How’s the voice training at NYADA?” he asked conversationally.

Kurt gave him a surprised look before blushing. “Oh… I didn’t make it into NYADA,” he confessed. “I study at UCLA now.”

“You’re kidding?” Blaine’s mouth fell open in shock. Kurt gave a small smile but shook his head. “They’re crazy then…”

Kurt coughed out a laugh. “You’re sweet,” he said and Blaine couldn’t help his dopey grin. It was the highlight of his day and just for a moment Blaine was able to forget about the morning’s horrible start.

Until, of course…

“Well,” Kurt continued with a shrug, “it’s no NYADA, but I’m happy at UCLA. I mean… I got to meet Dave again, after all- we went to the same high school but he left at the end of junior year,” he explained.

“Oh?” Blaine’s smile was gone and things were tense between them once more.

Thankfully Kathleen called the end of break before he had to say anymore and they were hard at work straight away.

Blaine was in a bad mood for the rest of the day.


As night descended over the park, they ceased rehearsals and Blaine was told it was time to get ready for the parade. They all got ready together but Blaine didn’t feel comfortable joining in the group festivity. Apart from Kurt and Bernard he didn’t really know any of them yet. He drifted off to the side and applied his own stage make up, adopting a fake smile. Another part of his costume, he thought glumly.

The night was long but he managed to keep his smile. The crowd seemed to enjoy their performance and despite whatever Blaine was feeling he knew deep down that that was what mattered.

And that night he had never been gladder to see his pillow.


The week proceeded in a similar fashion. Rehearsals, then parade and over. Blaine slowly managed to loosen up a bit and made good friends with a lovely girl Lucy and her brother Marcus. They were gymnasts who did a spectacular floor routine that was a crowd favourite.

“You better work with us again next year!” Lucy declared on their final rehearsal.

Blaine blushed a little. “I haven’t been invited back yet,” he confessed a little uneasily.

Overhearing, Kathleen interjected. “Well that depends on your performance tonight, boy. If you don’t f-stuff up, you’re welcome.”

Marcus and Lucy stifled their giggles behind their hands but Blaine’s stomach turned with worry.

What if he screwed everything up? Fucking Walt Disney was counting on him to carry on their annual tradition of having an awesome show. What if he-

“Relax,” a light voice said behind him. “You’ll do fine.”

Blaine turned, a thank you playing on his lips but at the sight of Kurt his words got caught between his teeth.

His silky brown hair was swept up in a magnificent coif, framing his handsome face, dusted lightly with stage make up, his brilliant eyes, tonight an electric blue. His lithe body framed in a stylish black suit perfectly accentuating his thin waist and endlessly long legs.

Blaine had to remind himself to breathe.

“You look… great.” He blushed at the understatement and Kurt ducked his head modestly, a light chuckle escaping his lips.

Oh and his mouth.

The memory of its tantalizing press is stronger than ever and the desire to kiss him once more is overwhelming.

“Thank you,” Kurt returned politely. “You too.”

Lucy and Marcus raised their eyebrows at each other and Blaine wondered absently how obvious he and Kurt were. Lucy’s smirk told him he was getting a talking to later…
Kathleen’s voice called them to attention and ushered them all over to the side of the stage.

It was time for their opening number.


Under the glow of the stage lights and festive music Blaine steadily felt his nerves melt away.

As opposed to battling through the choreography (like in rehearsals) he found himself at home in it and his smile came with ease.

Make my wish come true… all I want for Christmas is you…

As the number faded out, Blaine jogged off the stage with the rest of his colleagues, blowing kisses to the crowd. He caught Seth’s eye in the audience and he gave him a mocking smile, pretending to catch his kiss and pin it to his heart. Blaine was still grinning as he slipped backstage.

The backstage area was madness, people flurrying around left, right and centre, busy with costume changes and hair and makeup. Blaine found a quiet spot in the corner and Kurt joined him a moment later.

“What’s going to happen when this is all over?” Blaine asked suddenly.

“What do you mean?” Kurt frowned wearily.

“With us,” Blaine specified. Kurt looked mildly taken aback and Blaine hurried to explain. “I’m sorry, Kurt,” he began, interjecting as much earnesty as he could. “I didn’t forget about you. I wanted to come to the Streets that night, I really did. But my parents wouldn’t let me go and they were holding my ticket to Julliard and…” he sighed, ashamed at how weak he must sound. “I really like you, Kurt,” Blaine confessed, his voice weighted, “and for three years I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Please tell me this isn’t over.”

Kurt, who had been stunned into silence, finally cleared his throat, looking as if he was struggling for words.

“You’re too late, Blaine,” he said at last. “I’m with Dave now and I really lo-,” he paused, “I really care about him.”

Blaine felt his stomach plummet.

“Please, Kurt,” he uttered pleadingly, “I…I understand that you’re taken and I know I’m too late. But…” Blaine was grasping at straws and as much as he hated these next words it was all he had now, “can’t we just be friends?”

Kurt looked more surprised than ever. “We weren’t’ friends before,” he pointed out bluntly.

He should have expected that.

“Like I said,” Blaine tried, “I really… I really like you. And I don’t want to lose you again.”

Kurt lowered his gaze. “What about your boyfriend?” he murmured.

“What?” Blaine asked, truly surprised. He didn’t have a…

“Your boyfriend,” Kurt repeated. “The one in the front row with the two little girls.”

Oh, Blaine realised with a start, he thought Seth and I…

“Oh, no,” Blaine said with a chuckle, “Seth and I are just friends. Roommates, actually.”

Kurt pursed his lips, quirking an eyebrow in disbelief. “Well someone should tell him that.”

Blaine was about to retort back when Kathleen’s voice called them over once more.

It was time to go on…


“And introducing our newest act; Kurt and Blaine, best friends and holiday roommates!”

The cheery trumpets started up and Blaine followed Kurt’s lead, dancing out onto centre stage, grinning under the opening applause.

Oh the weather outside is frightful but the fire is so delightful…

It would be hard for Blaine to admit just how much he loved this routine. Kurt was dazzling, his eyes bright, and his smile wide and contagious. His talent and charm basically radiated and

Blaine felt blinded in his wake.

He was like… an enigma. Across the stage Blaine couldn’t help gravitating towards him; couldn’t help the small barely perceptible touches that conveyed his every affection. Kurt’s expression showed no reaction to it, although Blaine was sure he noticed…
Probably too caught up in the actual performing aspect (and okay, Kurt too), Blaine fumbled a little on the choreography but he was sure his voice made up for it.

Singing with Kurt, Blaine had never sounded better.

But as long as you love me so… let it snow let it snow let it snow!

And Blaine wanted to live in that moment forever. He was infinite, the force was with him, the odds were ever in his favour, he was defying gravity and a million other silly references came to mind with a quick passing thought but he was cut off by the sudden thunder of applause.

And Kurt’s smile told him it was over.


The next hour passed in a blur. There was the finale, the curtain calls, the final parade and then backstage again and there was laughter and hugs and sticky cheek kisses and Blaine was ushered out of his suit and he could finally breathe again.

“You did well, kid,” Bernard told him proudly, approaching him as he gathered his things. Blaine felt his heart swell. He had become rather fond of the old guy in the past week. He had been nothing but kind and supportive and Blaine appreciated it to no end. “Kitty says you’re more than welcome back next year.”

Blaine let out a surprised cry, wrapping his arms around him and hugging him tightly.

“Oh Bernard, thank you!” he exclaimed happily.

Bernard patted his back, setting him down. “Easy does it, kid. You don’t want to suffocate Santa before he takes his trip around the world…” Blaine fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Besides,” Bernard continued mischievously, “I think there’s someone else who wants to give their Christmas wishes…”

Blaine turned and spotted Kurt a short distance away, his eyes watching them attentively. He had changed back into his regular clothes, a simple but gorgeous ensemble; black jeans, vest, white Henley, hat.

And he was still breathtaking.

Blaine turned back to Bernard with a quick grin and he winked, patting his shoulder affectionately before chasing after Kitty across the room.

Kurt slowly moved towards him with a smile. “Hey,” he greeted him softly. “You were great out there tonight.”

Blaine found his hands digging into his pockets shyly. “Thanks,” he said trying not to blush under Kurt’s praise. “You too… like… wow.”

Kurt gave a tinkling laugh. “Thank you,” he said modestly. Silence fell between them for only a moment before Kurt reached into his jean pockets and produced a little slip of paper.

"I’ve been thinking about what you said,” he began, “about wanting to be friends.”

Blaine glanced up eagerly. Did that mean…?

“I did wait for you, you know,” Kurt continued, “at the Streets. You didn’t perform and my brother told me to come home and not waste my time but I waited anyway. I…” he sighed and Blaine cringed, his stomach turning miserably. He felt guiltier than ever. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you either,” Kurt confessed. “And I’m happy with David but even after we got together sometimes I’d still wonder…” a light blush stained prettily over his cheeks and Blaine wondered with a start whether he had dreamt of him too.

“Seeing you again was surprising and I was shocked and hurt… but glad, too.” Kurt exhaled and finally that small smile graced his lips once more. “I didn’t want to lose you again, either.”

The admission sent Blaine’s heart alight. All these months of restless months, restless thoughts… Did Kurt still care about him? Had he ever cared about him? Did he ever think about him - ever wonder what could have been?

And with that confession all those thoughts were dispelled.

And he could breathe again.

“So, here,” Kurt said at last, handing over the small slip of paper with a flourish. Blaine
unravelled it eagerly.

Scrawled across in lyrical cursive were “Kurt Hummel” and the digits of his phone number.

“I don’t want to say goodbye to you just yet, Blaine Warbler,” Kurt said teasingly, spinning on his heel and making to leave.


His heart beating erratically, Blaine grinned messily up at him.

“Merry Christmas.”

fic: we run the night

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