Theme Challenge
This week's theme:
Text Only
There are only three rules for these icons:
- Text only; so there will be no images for this challenge!
- You may use any text you like from the either Peter S. Beagle's novel The Last Unicorn or the 1982 animated film The Last Unicorn. Punctuation is optional.
- You may use any font, text size, text colour, brushes, borders and/or textures you choose.
- The movie script can be found at SciFi Scripts. For those of you who can't get a hold of the novel, has a few lovely passages.
- When submitting your icons, please include the source of your text for each icon (the script, the novel, and/or a link to the website) and provide a short description of the scene for context. If you got the quote from your own copy of the novel, also include which chapter the icon text can be found.
- If you're confused by anything, or have any questions, just ask. My contact info can be found in the community's info page.
- All the usual rules also apply (you can't show your icon to anyone until after the winners have been announced, icons must be up to lj's standards, no animation, etc.).
Mood Theme Challenge
This week's "moods":
high | lethargic
high (from - adj. 1. having a great or considerable extent or reach upward or vertically; lofty; tall: a high wall. 2. having a specified extent upward: The apple tree is now 20 feet high. 3. situated above the ground or some base; elevated: a high platform; a high ledge. 4. exceeding the common degree or measure; strong; intense: high speed; high color. 5. expensive; costly; dear: The price of food these days is much too high. 6. exalted in rank, station, eminence, etc.; of exalted character or quality: a high official; high society. ... 15. elevated; merry or hilarious: high spirits; a high old time. ... 17 Informal intoxicated with alcohol or narcotics: He was so high he couldn't stand up. ... 21. having considerable energy or potential power.
- noun 39. Slang. (a) a euphoric state induced by alcohol, drugs, etc. (b) a period of sustained excitement, exhilaration, or the like: After winning the lottery he was on a high for weeks.
- Idioms 41. fly high, to be full of hope or elation: His stories began to sell, and he was flying high. ... 44. high on, Informal. enthusiastic or optimistic about; having a favorable attitude toward or opinion of.
As you can see, there are quite a lot of definitions for this "mood." I've included ones I believe are relevant, but be sure to check out, in case there's any particular meaning I've left out that inspires you.
lethargic - (from - adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or affected with lethargy; drowsy; sluggish. 2. producing
For more information, definitions, synonyms, et cetera check out these Web sites: | | There are only five rules for these icons:
- All mood theme icons MUST be 90 pixels x 50 pixels in size.
- Only one mood per icon.
- The icon must somehow convey the mood it is meant to represent.
- You must use an image from the 1982 animated film The Last Unicorn. Use of multiple images is acceptable, so long as they're from the 1982 animated film The Last Unicorn.
- If you're confused by anything, or have any questions, just ask. My contact info can be found in the community's info page.
Other notes: Any text is acceptable, though quotes from The Last Unicorn, either the movie or the novel, are preferable. Brushes, borders, etc. are perfectly fine. Also, it is perfectly acceptable for the text and/or brushes etc. in the icon convey the "mood." Of course,
all the usual rules also apply (you can't show your icon to anyone until after the winners have been announced, icons must be up to lj's standards, no animation, et cetera).
A maximum of THREE entries for the Theme Challenges and TWO for the each of this week's "moods," please.
Be sure to
read the rules keep your icon to yourself once you've submitted until voting has closed. get them in by midnight Pacific Time this Saturday, March 21st, 2009 Wednesday, March 25th, 2009. ask me any questions if you're confused about anything. submit entries for this challenge to this post only. Comments will be screened.
Now go forth and create icons!
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