As some of you may or may not have noticed we had to say good-bye to one of our moderators (
eggdrpsoup) due to real-life circumstances. We shall certainly miss her presence and her wonderful challenge ideas. That leaves you, dear community members, with three moderators again. We shall try to do our best.
I know we don't quite have the results from Challenge 147 posted yet, but
missy42 said I could go ahead and post the next challenge. Since I will be going out of town this evening (for the weekend only), I figured now would be as good a time as any.
What's this? Am I really posting a quote challenge? You bet ya! And I'm not a big fan of quote challenges.
Quote Challenge
it’s hard to give up being a hero
For the Quote Challenge, you can use any images, brushes and/or borders you choose but please use ONLY the quote provided. Please do not add to or edit it in any way, though punctuation is optional. As always, please tell me if I'm confusing the HECK out of you.
For context's sake only, this quote comes from the scene where Prince Lir is talking with Molly about wooing Amalthea. You might even recognize some if it from a previous quote challenge. Here's the dialogue from the novel:
…He made up his mind, as he explained to Molly Grue in the scullery that evening, nevermore to trouble the Lady Amalthea with his attentions, but to live quietly in the thought of her, serving her ardently until his lonely death, but seeking neither her company, her admiration, nor her love. “I will be as anonymous as the air she breathes, he said, “as invisible as the force that holds her to the earth.” Thinking about it for a little while, he added, “I may write a poem for her now and then, and slip it under her door, or just leave it somewhere for her to chance upon. But I won’t ever sign the poem.”
“It’s very noble,” Molly said. She felt relieves that the prince was giving up his courtship, and amused as well, and somewhat sad. “Girls like poems better than dead dragons and magic swords,” she offered. I always did, anyway, when I was a girl. The reason I ran off with Cully -“
But Prince Lir interrupted her, saying firmly, “No, do not give me hope. I must learn to live without hope, as my father does, and perhaps we will understand each other at last.” He dug into his pockets, and Molly heard paper crackling. “Actually I’ve already written a few poems about it - hope and her, and so on. You might look them over if you wanted to.”
“I’d be very pleased,” Molly said. “But will you never go our again, then, to fight with black knights and ride through rings of fire? The words were meant teasingly, but she found as she spoke that she would have been a little sorry if it were so, for his adventures had made him much handsomer and taken off a lot of weight and given him, besides, a hint of the musky fragrance of death that clings to all heroes. But the prince shook his head, looking almost embarrassed.
“Oh, I suppose I’ll keep my hand in,” he muttered. “But it wouldn’t be for the show of it, or for her to find out, It was like that at first, but you get into a habit of rescuing people, breaking enchantments, challenging the wicked dike in fair combat - it’s hard to give up being a hero, once you get used to it. Do you like the first poem?”
“It certainly has a lot of feeling,” she said…
Mood Theme Challenge
This week's themes:
disappointed | nervous
disappointed (from - verb tr. (1) To fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of. (2.) To frustrate or thwart: "I will not disappoint the confidence you have put in me" (Wayne A. Budd). ; verb intr. To cause disappointment; adj. Thwarted in hope, desire, or expectation.
nervous (from - adj. (1a.) Of or relating to the nerves or nervous system: nervous tissue. (1b.) Stemming from or affecting the nerves or nervous system: a nervous disorder. (2.) Easily agitated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy. (3.) Marked by or having a feeling of unease or apprehension: nervous moments before takeoff. (3.) Vigorous in style or feeling; spirited: "the nervous thrust of a modern creation" (Henry A. Kissinger). (4.) Archaic Strong; sinewy.
For definitions, synonyms, et cetera check out these Web sites: | |
There are only four rules for these icons:
- All mood theme icons MUST be 90 pixels x 50 pixels in size.
- The icon must somehow convey the mood it is meant to represent. Only one mood per icon.
- You must use an image from the 1982 animated film The Last Unicorn. Use of multiple images is acceptable, so long as they're from the 1982 animated film The Last Unicorn.
- If you're confused by anything, or have any questions, just ask. My contact info can be found in the community's info page.
Other notes: Any text is acceptable, though quotes from The Last Unicorn, either the movie or the novel, are preferable. Brushes, borders, etc. are perfectly fine. Also, it is perfectly acceptable for the text and/or brushes etc. in the icon convey the theme. Of course,
all the usual rules also apply (you can't show your icon to anyone until after the winners have been announced, icons must be up to lj's standards, no animation, et cetera).
A maximum of THREE entries for the Quote Challenge this week and TWO per mood for the Mood Theme Challenge.
Be sure to:
read the rules keep your icon to yourself once you've submitted until voting has closed. get them in by midnight Eastern time this Friday, Feb. 27, 2009. I know this is longer than normal. I'd like to get us back on the "normal" challenge schedule. Be cause of the extra time there will be NO extensions. ask me any questions if you're confused about anything. submit entries for this challenge to this post only. Comments will be screened. affiliate |
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