Week 75 Challenge

Feb 12, 2007 22:07

It's funny where inspiration can come from. A rant in my own journal about fanfic writers who just plug full paragraphs into on-line translators and claim them as the characters speaking their native languages led to an explanation of my first encounter with one of these things, wherein Tom Cruise came out as Tom "Bootsfart" (or at least that's how I pronounce it in English) and this Spanish-speaker shocked her roommate by providing the German word for Unicorn before Babelfish could. I had this week's theme.

Oh yeah, and Valentine's day is this week, so I guess I have to do a "love-type" challenge. I've haven't exactly been in a love-y kind of mood lately, but luckily, I read something in the novel at lunch today that I thought was fitting.

Quote Challenge

girls like poems better than dead dragons and magic swords
For the Quote Challenge, you can use any images, brushes and/or borders you choose but please use ONLY the quote provided. As we've occasionally done in the past, I'm going to allow you to use snippets of the quote since it's so long, but please don't add to it. For example, simply "girls like poems" is fine, but not "your love is better than dead dragons and magic swords." As always, please tell me if I'm confusing the HECK out of you.

For context sake only, this is the scene where Molly and Lír are discussing Lír's failed attempts at courting the Lady Amalthea, but this particular quote can be found only in the novel:

"I will be as anonymous as the air she breathes," he said, "as invisible as the force that holds her on the earth." Thinking about it a little, he added, "I may write a poem for her now and then, and slip it under her door, or just leave it somewhere for her to chance upon. But I won't ever sign the poem."

"It's very noble," Molly said. She felt relieved that the prince was giving up his courtship, and amused as well, and somewhat sad. "Girls like poems better than dead dragons and magic swords," she offered. "I always did, anyway, when I was a girl. The reason I ran off with Cully-"

But Prince Lír interrupted her, saying firmly, "No, do not give me hope. I must earn to live without hope, as my father does, and perhaps we will understand each other at last."

Theme Challenge

Specifically, language variations of "Unicorn." If you need some help, here's an excerpt from the butterfly scene (also from the novel, though most of it is the film, too):

"They ride that horse you call the Macedonai," he intoned absentmindedly; and then, very clearly, "Unicorn. Old French, unicorne. Latin, unicornis. Literally, one horned: unus, one, and cornu, a horn. A fabulous animal resembling a horse with one horn. Oh, am a cook and captain bold and the mate of the Nancy brig. Has anybody here seen Kelly?" He strutted joyously in the air, and the first fireflies blinked around him wonder and grave doubt.

There are only three rules for these icons:

  1. You must use an image from the 1982 animated film The Last Unicorn
  2. The icon must somehow emphasize the theme.
  3. If you're confused by anything, or have any questions, just ask. My contact info can be found in the community's info page.
Other notes: Brushes, borders, etc. are perfectly fine. Also, it is perfectly acceptable for the text and/or brushes etc. in the icon convey this week's theme. Of course, all the usual rules also apply (you can't show your icon to anyone until after the winners have been announced, icons must be up to lj's standards, no animation, etc.).
Let's make it a maximum of THREE entries for the Quote challenges, and THREE entries for the Theme Challenge, please.

Be sure to
  • read the rules
  • keep your icon to yourself once you've submitted until voting has closed.
  • get them in by midnight Pacific Time this Friday, February 16th.
  • ask me any questions if you're confused about anything.
  • submit entries for this challenge to this post only. Comments will be screened.

  • I know I STILL need to post winners from week 73, but it's getting late and I'm tired. Hopefully, tomorrow night. For everyone waiting for the results, I'm VERY sorry, but I'm really stretched lately, and pegasi1978 and I could REALLY use some help, so if anyone's interested in lending a hand, please go here and post a reply.

    Now go forth and create icons!

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