Berlinale 2007

Feb 13, 2008 00:52

Actually, I wanted to post my big Berlinale entry #2 tonight, but this has to wait a couple minutes - and will be flocked anyways. ;) Instead, I'm going to give you something else...something much nicer. Well, okay, not really, but it might be more interesting for you. ;)

Where to begin? Well, tonight, when I was meeting up with dicentra82 and hazeleye81, the latter ( Read more... )

video, berlinale, berlin, screencaps, gale

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Comments 20

randysgirl_645 February 13 2008, 00:00:40 UTC
*squints* is that gale?


dreamingkitty February 13 2008, 00:03:14 UTC
Thin legs, hat, grey coat...yes, that's Gale at the Berlinale last year. ;) And the guy to the right with the violet strap on his shoulder is Stephen. ;)


kika_k February 13 2008, 08:49:11 UTC
OMG! you have an amazing eyes!!




dreamingkitty February 19 2008, 11:53:38 UTC
Well, I wouldn't have noticed it, since I've never bothered to watch those videos, but hazeleye81 sure does. ;)


kinnetikart February 13 2008, 17:53:33 UTC
Thanx for sharing the pix and the vid. *pets kitty*


dreamingkitty February 19 2008, 11:54:28 UTC
I'm all for sharing new/old finds with other fans. :)


kinnetikart February 19 2008, 17:44:05 UTC
I'm the same way. It's all about sharing the love.

Would you mind if I add you? :D


dreamingkitty February 21 2008, 21:23:45 UTC
Oh no, of course you can! :)


koji__chan February 13 2008, 23:38:25 UTC
Oh my... What a great find! =) Thanks.


dreamingkitty February 19 2008, 11:55:58 UTC
You know what night it was, right?! *lol* I swear, this is still making me all teary... >.< ;)


darkershadeof February 14 2008, 22:33:57 UTC
Ooh! Gale in Berlin! Very exciting!

(Btw, just stumbled onto your journal, and it looks very interesting! We seem to have a lot of interests in common. Es ist immer schön Leute zu finden die Qaf und Gale auch sehr gerne mögen. Even though I'm more of a Randy fan, lol. Would you mind if I friend you?)


dreamingkitty February 19 2008, 11:58:59 UTC
That was back in 2007 though. We were hoping to see him again this year, but no such luck. ;)

*g* Well, I like Randy as well. ;) I mean, there is a reason why I have a German Gale/Randy website. :D I just don't have much to say about Randy, since he is only doing theatre in the US at the moment. :(

Of course you can friend me. :) I always like new friends with the same interests! :D


darkershadeof February 19 2008, 12:57:19 UTC
Too bad he wasn't there this year! Did he have some movie coming out in 2007, was that why he was there?

And yeah, it sucks we never get to see Randy anymore! Theatre schmeatre! He should come back to tv, imho. ;)

I friended you! It's so nice to meet people in Europe that like qaf. I actually lived in Berlin for 4 months back in 2005, studied the Sommersemester at the Freie Uni. It was so great, I hope I can live there again someday. :D


dreamingkitty February 21 2008, 21:37:38 UTC
Oh no, he was just there as support for his friend Stephen Kijak with the documentary "Scott Walker", which Gale was an associate producer of. So, he kinda had a film there, but not in the literal sense. :)

ITA about Randy! Theatre is good and everything, but it's horrible for his overseas fans. :(

Oh, you were at the FU?! I wanted to go there as well, but now I'm at the TU. *g* But you're right, Berlin is such a nice city. I can't even imagine living elsewhere. Okay, maybe that's because I've never lived anywhere else, but I don't even wanna leave. :)


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