Title: Home Author: Dreaminginside Words: 346 Pairings: Xiuhan Warnings: None Disclaimer: LOLNO Rating: G Summary: There is a lot of things that his home isn’t, but most importantly, home isn’t Lu Han.
I thought you were cute, Lu Han eventually confesses, and Minseok’s cheeks flame, no matter what his special brand of magic, simply staring at Lu Han.
Well, you’re pretty cute yourself, Minseok shoots back, awkward practically radiating off his features. Lu Han laughs so hard that he rolls on the floor, and Minseok just creates a pile of snow to dump on the boy, huffing.
Comments 6
I thought you were cute, Lu Han eventually confesses, and Minseok’s cheeks flame, no matter what his special brand of magic, simply staring at Lu Han.
Well, you’re pretty cute yourself, Minseok shoots back, awkward practically radiating off his features. Lu Han laughs so hard that he rolls on the floor, and Minseok just creates a pile of snow to dump on the boy, huffing.
these cuties... kkk~
thanks for writing xiuhan! :D
still as cute as i remember ;; you're the reason i ship them ldkfjalrl A++++, nice portrayal of their relationship~
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