Jun 24, 2009 17:18
Sometimes I think the only way to get a decent job in this country is with a "pituto". In easy words, a pituto consists in knowing people in high places (or not so high, but influential) so you can get a job thanks to said people.
It doesn't really matters if you're apt for the job, or your resume or anything. The only important thing is to know "THE" right person.
Of course everybody talks and talks about how despicable this practice is, but if you ARE a person in a high place and a friend comes and ask you for your help in getting a job... how are you going to say no?
Well, the sad thing is I don't have a pituto.
But clearly somebody else does.
My boss choosed to give my class, the subject I've been teaching for the last two years, to a woman who recently got fired from a local newspaper. Mind you, TONS of people had been fired lately from that newspaper (after it was bought by a big national newsgroup) but this nice lady is the only one who somehow ended up with a class (MINE!) here.
Is it a coincidence that this woman is a friend with the Head of the School of Journalims (my boss) and at least other two professors here? Sadly, I don't think so.
And it was just the way it was done... They could have been just a little more discreet about it!
When I went to the head of the department I work in, to know about my classes for the next semester, he told me "Well, you'll perhaps end up teaching Lenguaje Periodístico II just like last year and a section of Documentación as well. But, you know, we're trying to come up with a job for Sonia Mendoza, so she'll probably get a section of Lenguaje Periodístico, you'll have the other two".
I know the head of the department supports me, but he doesn't have the final word on this... and so, a couple of days later, he informed me that Sonia Mendoza got the WHOLE class, not only a section, of Lenguaje II.
That leaves me with the same two hours of class for the next semester, with the same miserable salary and in a worst economic situation, because Rodri already asked for a bank loan to save this semester and we simply have no way to get more money.
Well, I already know I have no future working here and that I can't count with my boss for anything, but I'm still a little sad for the whole situation.
I try to take comfort thinking that perhaps this Sonia person IS better for the job than I, perhaps she can be more valuable as a professor, because she clearly has more field experience than I have. But it's still a bitter pill to swallow.
lenguaje ii,