Sisterhood: Season 1 - done!

May 25, 2014 01:10

Today was our last Sisterhood event in this season - we are taking a break for summer. Since during summer some of the ministries take a break, we thought it would be good to teach the girls study the Bible on their own with the Inductive Manuscript method. And we also wanted to really celebrate this amazing year together ( Read more... )

sisterhood, minsk, минск, sisterhoodminsk

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Comments 2

maria_trial May 28 2014, 21:08:15 UTC
Это было замечательное служение.
И оно нас сильно сплотило и подняло на поверхность вопросы, которые стоит обсудить.
Мы выросли за этот год.


dreaming_ann May 29 2014, 06:17:43 UTC
я уже жду не дождусь пикника!


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