16 new icons

Jun 14, 2007 23:53

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10 - Kirsten Bell
4 - Shakira
2 - Sarah Michelle Gellar


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Comments 6

sanaazzy June 15 2007, 21:04:26 UTC
OMG! they're gorgeous!!I love them esp the Shakira and SMG ones..The coloring is beautiful.

Awesome work Laure!!

p.s are you a VM fan?


dreamerlaure June 16 2007, 21:02:58 UTC
Thanks so much! And, yeah I am ;) Huge Veronica Mars fan here.

PS: I got the latest chapter of Surviving! Will edit it once Max (laptop *lol*) is fixed :D Let me know when you wanted to post it :)


sanaazzy June 17 2007, 04:48:47 UTC
LOL! you've named you laptop Max..omg!LOL!

Well whenever you can get it done by, i've also got the next chapter done shall i send that ur way too?

What's wrong with yur laptop?


dreamerlaure June 18 2007, 14:22:33 UTC
LOL Yesss, I did! ;)

Send anything you've got my way, sweetie, you know it's cool :)

It crashed last week Tuesday, at Dell hardware until Wednesday, so for now, I go to my friends' houses, so I still have access, just a little less than usual. An adjustment, but not the end of the world ;)


taperjeangirl June 19 2007, 11:04:36 UTC
Snagged 2,6,7,8,9,10,16! Great icons.
I added you to my friends,I hope it's ok. I need more Max&Liz ppl on my flist ;)


dreamerlaure June 19 2007, 14:36:13 UTC
Hehe, thank you! I added you back :) I totally understand...Max and Liz are *sigh* :D


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