1 New Wallpaper

Aug 26, 2007 16:21

New layout!! :D

dreamerlaure dreamerlaure dreamerlaure dreamerlaure dreamerlaure dreamerlaure dreamerlaure dreamerlaureFirst of all, I want to thank everyone for wishing me a happy birthday at the beginning of the month *.* It was a great one! :D ( Read more... )

btvs, wallpaper

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Comments 9

iulieki August 26 2007, 20:55:37 UTC
:OOOOOOOOOO I missed your birthday! That is so weird, Semagic usually tells me! Oh but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY.


dreamerlaure August 26 2007, 21:05:31 UTC
Ah thank you! I turned 18, which was weird, lol.

Haha, I really like your icon!


sanaazzy August 26 2007, 23:00:03 UTC
Gorgeous wall hon!It's beautiful, i love the texture use.


dreamerlaure August 27 2007, 03:12:56 UTC
Thanks!! I saw awmpdotnet's light textures and couldn't resist *g*


midnight_27 August 27 2007, 23:24:25 UTC
Just wanted to say 'hi' and check out your site- love your new layout!

Yeah for second season of Heroes starting soon :)


dreamerlaure August 28 2007, 00:56:31 UTC

Yeah! I can't wait...I'm so excited. There's even a spinoff, right?

If I friend you will you add me back :)


midnight_27 August 28 2007, 02:39:15 UTC
Just friend you :)

Heroes- Yup, there is suppose to be some stand-alone episodes 'Heroes: Origins', but I have no idea how that is going to work.


taperjeangirl August 28 2007, 17:19:22 UTC
wow.great wall!!!!


dreamerlaure September 16 2007, 23:29:31 UTC
Sorry I'm replying so late :o but thank you!! :D


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