(no subject)

Sep 03, 2006 14:31

Well. He can't say he didn't know it was coming.

The fight had been amazin', he's glad he didn't miss that. They're both bleeding, he can smell hers - like a drug. As if drugs compare. He's tried - Harth'll take a good clean adrenaline rush anytime. An' even though this is anythin' but clean - blood and sweat and fear, only just but he can taste it on the air - this is perfect. It's how it should be.

"Bye, Mel."

And he shifts back to the face of her brother, 'cause even now, it's what he is, and sees the stab of pain cross her face, though she doesn't hesitate. He never made things easy, why would he start now? Oh, but Mel. He loves her too much, not to smile a bit through the sudden pain at her sweaty, beautiful face before he explodes in a cloud of dust that blows away over windy rooftops like a nightmare at dawn.

(Harth, there ain't nothin' t'be scared of-

There's things--

An if they come near ya, I'll stomp em! Go to sleep, scaredy, shh.

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