Karaoke Night

Aug 05, 2007 19:08

The bar is decorated in coffee house chic. The colors are rich earth tones. The door opens near the stage facing several rows of chairs. The sound booth is in the back. Tables and the bar are on the left. Food and drinks are taken care of for the evening. Don't ask how Aya-chan can afford it. (No, really. Don't.) Everything is ready. All that's left is for guests to arrive.

((Open to any and all. If you see a thread that interests you, jump in.

Edit: Some of the bar tenders had the clever idea of spiking the drinks to help people loosen up. If you would like to your pups drink to have a little something extra, go ahead.

Edit the Second: Mun is going to bed for the night. Feel free to keep tagging. New comers are welcome.

Edit the Third: People were having problems loading the page, so I changed the style of the journal. Did that help at all?

Edit the Fourth: Not-so-nice party crashers have arrived (with the mun's permission). If you don't want your pup involved in the badness to come, feel free to play as if the party crashers haven't arrived yet and have the pup leave before they get there.

Edit the Fifth: The bar is not protected by the Anti-Violence Field.

Which brings us to... Edit the Sixth: Aya-chan has been sent home, but feel free to keep playing.

Edit the Seventh: I'm not getting comment notifications for some reason, and the page is simply too huge for me to keep to track of without them. If something happens that I should be aware of, like your pup is talking to one of mine, please ping my on AIM. My username is bardsleywords. Otherwise, I leave the thread in your more than capable hands.

Thank you to everyone who has participated. I am astounded by the size of this thread. You guys rock. ))
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