Entry 6. audio.

Aug 20, 2011 15:46

[At the end of the Mirrorverse, this entire post is deleted. All things pertaining to Hayley's death are copied into her medical record.]



Mind reviving your inmate? It's only been...oh...nearly a day and a half.

This isn't a morgue, you know. We don't just hold corpses because you don't feel like doing your job. She's bled everywhere, and soon she's going to start doing that lovely thing that bodies do when you don't embalm them--

You know, decompose.

If you don't resurrect her soon, I'm leaving her on the doorstep of the lab and you can deal with her.

Oh, and as a note to the rest of you - if you find a heart somewhere on the Barge, feel free to bring it to the infirmary.

misses the battlefield, weird-ass ptsd, it's a flood!, going to regret this later

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